Chapter Two.

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The last bell rings, causing mayhem. Thank god..exams are finally done. Everybody rushes out like a school of fish causing me to giggle to myself. Just the thought of everyone being a fish is funny... Snapping out of my estranged thoughts, I gather my books stuffing them into my bag. I was walking out about to leave when someone stopped me, grabbing my wrist. Flinching i quickly turn around discovering that it's only Alyssa.

"Hey sexy."

"Heyyy cutie." She winks her purple eyes leaving the effect of the "wall" going down. Looks like she went with the purple contacts today,

" that exams are over & we're practically free...watcha gonna do tonight to celebrate?" She shashays a little, lacing her arm through mine. I lead us out the classroom, picking up my pace eager to leave the too bright halls. "Uhm..I don't know yet love. You have any plans?" Alyssa quckly shakes her head no and starts to skip towards the exit. Shrugging as to see no one really around, i skip with her.

As soon as we reach the doors and push them open. the word "fag" is audible. I quickly stop and feel the "wall" coming up again. Alyssa quickly notices and shoots a death glare towards the whores clearly too scared to say anything else. With a shake of her head, Alyssa leads me over to where my bike usually is. That's right..i ride a bike. Don't hate. "I'll call if anything does come up. Alright Skylar?" I nod unlocking my bike from the rack, backing it up so i can get on. My mind was too focused on the bike so i never really notice Alyssa giving me a quick peck on the cheek and skipping off, with her bright red hair bobbing off her shoulders.

A smile spreads across my face and damnit i just can't hide it. Alyssa is the most adorable thing ever. My sexuality won't stop me from thinking so. We've known eachother ever since we were in our mother's wombs. I quickly hop onto my bike, and pedal off down the empty street. I could take the shortcut through the woods but eversince....

I shudder just from the thought of the past. I need to kepp my mind in a happy place. Ponies. Turtles. Rainbows. Loud thud...Everything's going black.......Red?

I snap my eyes open, feeling hard asphalt under me. Panic hits me, causing me to start hypervinilating. I hear voices.... Hayden... and some stranger.

"FUCK! Skylar?!?!" I slowly turn, pain shooting down my neck into my back, causing me to whimper. It hits me now....hehe hit considering i just got hit by a car.... I giggle to myself, such a corny joke.

"Fuck....i think you hit your head too hard."

Hearing more voices and starting to see a cloud of strange mind goes in panic mode. I quickly sit up ignoring the pain overtaking my body. "I-I have to go."

My vision starts to clear up, leaving Hayden's pain stricken face in clear view. "'re bleeding." He gently rests his cold fingers on my arm, causing me to flinch away, crying out in pain. "You need to go to the hospital Sky. Something about hearing him say my name makes my skin crawl.

"I-" my words were instantly cut off by sirens. The cloud of strange faces clear a path for the paramedics to get through. Everything from there was a blur.... i was in darckness now.

{Eh hopefully this was better than the first... vote & comment please c: ?}

i Color Outside The Lines. {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now