Chapter 19: "Shopping"

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The house was small, that was for sure. There wasn't a lot to it, only two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a tiny (but cozy) living room. All in all, it wasn't anything too exciting, but then again, none of the homes in the Underground were exceedingly elaborate. Still, Fresh seemed delighted at the thought of living together, and wouldn't stop talking about what the house would look like once they moved everything in.

The only problem, really, was that there wasn't really anything left to move in. Neither Fresh nor Error had ever had a place to really live in before, and once the N64, Error's creepy puppets, and all the knitting stuff was brought into the house in Underswap, they were still left with a mostly empty building and nothing else to put in it.

Fresh looked around the room with a thoughtful look on his face before he grinned widely and moved the N64 slightly to the side. "There we go, broski! This radical room looks a billion times more bodacious now!" He proclaimed cheerfully.

Error raised an eyebrow as he looked around. There were still only three things placed haphazardly on the floor. "Uh.....Right."

Fresh's grin disappeared from his face at Error's response and he walked over, sat down on the floor, and examined the almost empty room once more. He thought deeply for a few moments before he looked over at Error. "Bro, don't quote me on this or nothin, but I think we might need more shiz. This room is totes too big for our stuff."

Error snorted and rolled his eyes. "Noooo, you think? Where'd you get that idea?" He questioned sarcastically before joining Fresh on the carpeted floor. They stared at the N64 for a long time, thinking hard for some sort of solution to this problem. Finally, Error got up. "I think we need to do some shopping." He said.

Fresh blinked. "Yo, you really think we need more stuff in this pad? What would we even buy?"

"The fuck if I know!" Error grumbled, lightly kicking his box of knitting supplies in irritation. He was silent for a bit as he tried to remember what the hell people put in their houses. "....A couch probably." He said after a long moment. "Maybe a bed. Uh...neither of us need to eat, but we should get some kitchen stuff just in case maybe." Error explained awkwardly. He didn't really have any idea what he was talking about. Destroyers of universes didn't have to go furniture shopping all that often.

"Yo, that sounds radical!!!" Fresh cheered, jumping up and grabbing Error's hand. "I know all sorts of places we can go to get some fresh 90's furniture! We'll have the raddest house on the block, yo!"

Error cringed at the idea. He loved Fresh, but he definitely didn't want to end up stuck in a house full of bright neon furniture and fur covered rugs. "Uh...maybe... Or we could just go to a pacifist timeline and raid an IKEA."

Fresh gasped dramatically. "Dudebro, that sounds wicked radical! Let's go!" He said excitedly before running out of the house, grabbing a colorful skateboard out of thin air on his way out the door.

Error sighed and rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's overexcited personality, but he was smiling as he followed him out of the empty house and into the snow.

An hour later, the two skeletons were pushing a small shopping cart through the endless halls of an IKEA. They got a few confused stares from humans and monsters they passed, but less because of their unusual appearance and more because of the ridiculous stuff they had haphazardly stuffed in their cart and the huge list of furniture items that they wanted but could definitely not carry around the store with them. The majority of the stuff they had decided on were plain items that would be useful for the house, but Error reluctantly agreed to the purchase of a few colorful items, like a living room set of pastel multicolored couches and armchairs and a few garish paintings of shapes that looked like they belonged in an anti-bullying psa and not a house. They weren't all that bad though, and Error actually found himself excited to see what the house would look like when it was set up.

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