Chapter 18: Just Like Old Times But Less Kidnappy!

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"You're going to be living here!?!?" Blueberry asked excitedly, his star shaped pupils brighter than ever as he bounced up and down.

Error chuckled a bit at the other's excitement, smiling. "Well, not here exactly. Definitely in Snowdin though. I know for sure that there's a few empty houses over where the rock family lives-"

"Yeah! And we're totes gonna move in together and be your cool funky neighbros!" Fresh chimed in happily, putting an arm around Error's shoulders.

Blueberry hugged both of them, smiling widely. "I'm so happy! I cannot wait to show you guys around town! We can hang out together and watch Undernovella and make tacos and knit and it'll be just like old times except less kidnappy!" The small skeleton exclaimed.

"Heheh...Yeah..." Error replied nervously as he glanced over at Paps, who was glaring at them with a murderous look in his eyes.

"No. Absolutely not." The taller skeleton growled, picking up Blueberry and pulling him away from the other two.

Blueberry frowned and looked over to him with narrowed eyes. "Papy..." He started, but his younger brother quickly interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, bro. I understand that they're your friends, but can we really let a murderer and a..." Paps trailed off as he looked over at Fresh, a confused look on his face. "Who are you again?"

"I'm the swaggiest homie in the multiverse, dawg!" Fresh declared cheerfully.

Error rolled his eyes at Fresh's statement. "He's an asshole that's what he is." He grumbled. Then hesitated for a moment, looking slightly embarrassed, before mumbling. "...and my um...boyfriend."

"Yeah, Err-bro is my bodacious bf, dawg! We totes love each other." Fresh confirmed happily, pulling the other close. Error blushed bright blue, scowling and trying to push the other away, but Fresh just wrapped his arms tighter around the other, picking him up bridal style and kissing him on the cheek.

Error's blush grew and he glitched severely, covering his face with his hands. "Not in front of Blue's brother, you fucking jerk!"

"Come on, dude. You know you love it~" Fresh grinned, kissing him again and causing Error to glitch out even more.

Blue giggled, looking up at Papyrus. "They're soooo adorable, right?"

Papyrus just stared at the two, watching uncertainly as an embarrassed Error fought to get out of Fresh's grasp, screeching out curses and flailing around. "...Right." He finally said, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket and looking away.

At Papyrus's response, Blue's eyes narrowed. "Papy, they've changed. I know they have. Please, just give them a chance."

Papyrus sighed. He really wanted to trust his brother on this. He wanted to say "Alright." and welcome the two other versions of Sans into his universe with open arms.

Or at least, he thought Fresh was another Sans. He looked like one at least, but would Error really date another version of himself? Is he that narcissistic? In that case, Papyrus was very glad his brother had gotten out of that prison. He really didn't want to picture his brother any closer to Error than he already was...

Regardless though, he didn't want Error in his universe. Or anywhere near his brother if he was being completely honest. Not because of the previous paragraph, but...

...because of what Error did.

He remembered it like it was yesterday. The broken, bloodied strings he had found everywhere, the crimson bones...the dust of all of his friends... And the dark silhouette in the judgement hall, grinning maliciously from the shadows and holding his brother above them like a twisted puppet.

Knowing that his brother's life was in the hands of that thing for so long was so much worse than just thinking he had died with everyone else, even if the kidnapping turned out to involve less torture and more bad soap operas and knitting.

Error was a murderer. And he had murdered so many more people than the ones in this universe. Back in the Omega Timeline, Core!Frisk had regaled Papyrus with the descriptions of every atrocity Error had committed. He had destroyed countless worlds, leaving any lucky survivors stranded and hopeless. He had tortured and manipulated so many before finally ending their pain, treating them like puppets in his twisted game. He was a monster. Nothing more. Nothing less.

But still...seeing the destroyer of worlds like this, being held bridal style and nuzzled by his...boyfriend? That was a bit weird...

It was so different from that dark figure in the judgement hall, that Papyrus was having trouble connecting the two.

Chara came up from behind them, standing next to Papyrus and watching the scene taking place in front of them with scarlet eyes. "Although I have my doubts as well, I agree with Sans. People should have a second chance." They spoke calmly before looking up at Papyrus. "Besides, Sans seems to trust them. You should have more faith in what your brother is capable of."

Papyrus sighed deeply, putting his hands in the pockets of his orange hoodie. "...Fine. I suppose they can stay."

Finally, Fresh let Error go, dropping him unceremoniously on the floor before pointing finger guns at Papyrus, a wide grin on his face. "Radical!!"

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