Chapter 4: The visit

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The two played Mario Kart for hours and Fresh won every single time. It was ridiculous how good he was at this game, and it made Error angrily yell insults at him after every round, convinced that he was somehow cheating. Fresh always just shrugged in response and stuck his tongue out at him, which made Error even more angry.

But other than the fact that he always came in second, Error was actually having a surprisingly good time. They would tease each other about things, make jokes, and laugh, and the anti void was full of life again. Almost more so than when Blue was...

Error stopped suddenly, his character falling off the racetrack and into lava. Blueberry... Error paused the game and got up, walking away.

Fresh watched him leave with a frown. "Where are you going, dawg?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm just gonna check on Blue real quick, alright?" The other explained, opening up a portal to Underswap.

"Um...alright. Have fun, dude!" Fresh said cheerfully.

Error rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you too." He responded with a smile before walking through the portal.

Fresh watched the spot where Error had disappeared for a few moments before hesitantly going back to the game. It was so quiet now...

On the other side of the portal, things looked like they were back to normal. The citizens of Snowdin walked around the town happily, only giving passing glances over at Error in slight confusion. Error ignored them though, looking for a very specific person. In time, he saw the small blueberry, looking happier than ever as he talked to his brother. Error watched them for a bit with a smile, not wanting to ruin this so quickly.

"The human definitely enjoyed my puzzles, Papyrus! More so than last time! I am sure I confounded them!" Blue exclaimed proudly as he pranced around in the snow.

Papyrus, who was leaning against a nearby tree with a cigarette in his hand, looked at him in confusion. "Last time? Uh...what are you talking about, bro?"

"Oh, you know! Last time. When they...killed me... B-but they obviously regretted it because I'm back now and I can make even more difficult puzzles!" Blueberry explained.

Error's eyes widened. Oh no... A genocide run had happened? "Poor Blue..." He muttered quietly.

Papyrus's eyes widened as well and the cigarette fell from his grasp. "Wait, what!? Bro, you remembered that?" He asked, looking shocked, scared, and worried. "Are you alri-"

"I'm fine, Papy! Nothing that the Magnificent Sans can't handle. Especially after being kidnapped and held hostage for weeks. But that wasn't that bad actually. Error's really nice and I taught him how to knit! And I am sure that the human will be the same way." Blueberry reassured him.

Papyrus looked even more shocked. "You...remember that too? B-but what are you talkin about, bro? Error...he killed everyone. He's a monster. He's worse than Chara. That...that filthy glitch was going to destroy everything."

From his place a few feet away, Error growled, strings now in his grasp. Before he could say anything though, Blueberry laughed. "No, he's just...confused, really. He doesn't have any friends. Or family. Or even a universe to call his own. He's all alone. And the only thing he knows how to do is destroy. But I'm his friend now! And I got my other friend to keep him company, so they can get along too! And I told him that if he wants to, he can visit any time, that way he can have a home and make even more friends! And maybe" Blueberry grinned at Papyrus, his eyes sparkling like stars.

Papyrus's eyes went even wider. "No. No way. He may be a version of you, but he's...he's...a jerk!"

Error scoffed, finally walking over to them. "Wow. That's pretty rude."

Blueberry gasped loudly as he saw Error, immediately running past Papy and going towards him. "Error!! How have you been? Are you having fun with Fresh? You aren't lonely are you? Do you need a hug?"

Error stepped back a bit at the mention of a hug. ", I don't need any hugs. And I'm fine. Fresh is...surprisingly not as bad as I thought. I just stopped by to make sure you were alright."

Blueberry bounced in place. "I'm doing super! I had no idea how much I missed everything here! I trained with Alphys earlier and I made some new puzzles and I died once, but that's alright because then we got burgers from Mr. Burgerpants! He's nice. And THEN I got to hang out with Papy! He didn't say much about what happened. I think he was trying to keep it a secret. But I just told him that I know about everything. He's still a little bit mad at you, but I'm sure you two can work it out." Blue turned to look at his brother. "Right, Papy?"

Papyrus's eye was glowing in a brilliant orange flame as he glared down at Error. "Get. Away. From. My. Bro." He demanded threateningly.

Error just grinned. "Or what? You're gonna fight me again?"

"Yep. Pretty much. I could've easily killed you last time. The only reason you escaped was because you had my bro, and I'm not letting you take him again." Papyrus said.

Blueberry frowned. "Really, guys? Can't you two just get along? You actually have a lot in common!"

"No." They both said at the same time, glaring at each other.

Blue stepped between them, giving them both puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

Papyrus hesitated before sighing, the flame in his eye dying down. He looked over to Blue with a forced smile. "...Alright. Fine."

Error hesitated too, looking at Papyrus uncertainly, but sighed as well, the strings in his hand disapearing. "Only for you, Blue."

Blue let out a squeal, hugging Papyrus tightly and lightly pulling Error over by his jacket. "This is gonna be great! We're gonna have so much fun together!"

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