Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


I scrabbled out from under Marcus as he stood and we faced my best friend. 

"Sam. No." I said, holding out my hands as he started coming towards us. "Sam stop. Stop!" I pushed at his chest as he tried to get to my mate.

"No!" he yelled. I flinched because of his closeness and my sensitive hearing. "He had his hands all over you! He was hurting you!"

"I would never hurt her!" Marcus yelled before I could say anything. 

"Bullshit!" Sam yelled again. "I'm going to kill you for touching my mate that way!"

I stared wide-eyed at Sam as he glared at Marcus. I heard Marcus growl low. Very, very low. "She. Is not. Your mate." he growled. If I could see him I would probably see his eyes glowing. 

"She is. Now leave before I kill you." Sam growled.

"'She. Is. MINE. Do you understand me?" Marcus is definitely pissed the fuck off.

"Yours?" Sam scoffed. "Yeah right.  She wouldn't be mates with a scum bag from our rival pack. Now leave." Sam leaned down and attempted to nuzzle my neck like Marcus does. I gasped and jumped away from him, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Jasmine, come here baby." Sam growled.

I shook my head, eyes wide, and backing away from him and towards Marcus. "I'm not your mate." I said.

"Of course you are." he growled. "Now come here."

"No." I said as I stopped in front of Marcus, my back to him. "He's my mate Sam. Not you."

Sam's eyes widened and he growled. "What?" he growled.

"Marcus is my mate Sam."

Sam stared at us with wide eyes. They flickered between Marcus and I before settling on me. "How?" he asked weakly.

"What do you mean Sam? He's my mate. There's nothing I or anyone can do to change that."

"How can you be wih him when you know how I feel about you?" he whispered. He looked at me as if I had ripped out his heart and stomped on it. Hard.

"What are ou talking about?" I asked. I'm so confused right now.

"He loves you, Jazzy." Marcus said from behind me.

"I love him too, what does that have anything to do with it?"

"You love him?" Marcus growled.

I turned around, realizing my mistake. "Baby, no. Not like that. He's like my brother. I don't love him like that." Marcus closed his eyes and snuggled his head into my neck, taking in my scent. We heard a low, vicious growl behind us. But it didn't come from Sam.



Please let me be wrong...

"Get. Away. From. My. Daughter." Daddy growled at him.

Damnit. The one time I ask to be wrong I'm right. What the fuck?

I turned around and stood I front of Marcus as if to protect him should my dad attack him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Sam mind-linked me telling me you were being attacked by a rouge. He was right." Dad had his hands balled into fists and his irises were completely black, telling us that his wolf wasn't in complete control. "Get away from him." he growled, glaring at Marcus.


"Jasmine, get away from him now."


"I am not only your fathe but also your alpha. You will obey my orders."

Mum! Please come quickly! Dad is going to attack my mate! I linked my mum.

Where are you? she asked.

Two miles northeast from the front of my school in the woods. Hurry. I can't keep denying him before he uses his Alpha command.

I severed the link as I saw Dad stalking closer to us.

"Daddy please stop." I begged, but he wasn't listening.

"I order you. Move." He used his Alpha command. Oh  my god....

"Please." I pleaded as I fought the command with all my might, tears brimming my eyes. "Daddy please don't."

"I said move!" he screamed at me. That left me utterly frozen. Not once had my father ever risen his voice at me, even as a child. He growled and talked to Sam. "Get her out of the way."

Sam came over to me and reached for me, but Marcus growled and pulled me to his chest backing away from them. "MINE." Marcus growled lowly. Then two wolves were on the other side of the boarder growling. "No one it to tell my father, understood?!" Marcus growled at the wolves. The bowed their heads in submission, but they continued to growl. Sam took Marcus' distraction and yanked me out of his grip.

"Marcus!" I gasped.

He growled and stalked toward us, his irises black like my fathers.

Then he was tackled from the side. "No!" I screamed, struggling against Sam. Dad was throwing punch after punch at m mate and he wouldn't stop. He knew Marcus couldn't fight back without serious consequences, but being the Alpha of this territory, he could do whatever he wanted. The two wolves were growling loudly, but they couldn't do anything without their own consequences.

Mum hurry! I screamed through the link.

I'm almost there. I'll be there in less than two minutes.

I screamed at Dad to stop with tears streaming down my face as I struggled against Sam. "Sam stop him!" I pleaded. Sam only ignored me and looked at them with no emotion.

"Daddy he's my mate! Stop it!" But he wasn't listening to me. His wolf was in control. The only one that could stop him is mum.

Mum's white wolf burst through the trees to us. "Mum stop him! He's beating my mate!" I screamed desperately.

She ran over to Dad, still in wolf form, and tackled him off of Marcus. I elbowed Sam hard in the ribs and his grip loosened, but it was enough to get away. I rushed over to Marcus and kneeled down next to him.

"Oh my god...No... Marcus..." I trailed off as my eyes looked frantically from each of his wounds. His face was slightly swollen, bloodied and bruised, and his eyes were closed.

"Marcus look at me." He didn't respond.

"Marcus please..." Still no response.

My chest clenched and my eyes widened as I gasped for air. "Marcus!"

I felt someone grab my upper arms pulling me away from my mate. "No!" I was screaming and thrashing, trying to stay with my mate. "Let me go! He needs me! Marcus!"

The person pulled me away from him as others picked him up and rushed him back to his territory. "Marcus! No!" I was an absolute mess. Tears were streaming down my face, I was screaming at the top of my lungs, and I was hysterical, as was Tori. She wanted to make sure her mate was okay. I wanted to hold him, to wrap myself around him and never let go.

"How could you?!" I screamed at Dad. "He's my mate! How could you?!"

Dad was only staring at me with eyes wide as if he couldn't believe what just happened. Mum walked over to me as the person's grip loosened. I yanked myself away from them, and with one last glare at my father, I shifted and took off. I didn't go to Marcus' territory, that would mean almost certain death. I'm not permitted on those lands, so I went to the one place I could go and no one would think to look.

I went to rouge territory.


HIIII! Okay so sorry for taking long, but ya. SORRY!!!!!!

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