Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Justin’s POV

The alarm rang and I reached for it without opening my eyes. Ahh, I hate mornings, so I threw it across the room. But I never heard the crash of it hitting the wall. What the hell, I thought as I pulled the covers off me.

“Son, this is no way to behave 2 days before Easter. You get to take over this year and have to get your act together.” Dad tells me.

“Ahh, I thought I couldn’t take over until I found my soul mate?” I asked him still not sure why I had to do this.

“Well son there is always an exception to every rule. Now get your ass up and don’t make me have to physically get it out of that bed.” He told me and I smirked. He was still really young to retire. But mom’s having another baby and wants him home.

Yup you heard me right. I am the eldest of 6 brothers and sisters and well the new baby will make 7. I shake my head, well I guess what they say is right and well ewwww. Scratch that thought from my head. That is an image I wish I could bleach out of my head.

That is also the reason why I have my own cottage. The whole constantly walking in on your parents going at it everywhere can drive a man to drink. I smile wondering if I to will be like that once I find my soul mate. I must admit, it does give me something to look forward too.

Now if only I can get my ass out of bed. But I’ve been dreaming lately about this raven haired beauty I keep catching glimpses of as I practice. But when I do a double take she’s gone. Leading me to believe I must have imagined her. She looks so pretty and innocent.

I showered then walked into the kitchen where mom was making breakfast. “Well it’s about time you sleepy head, where you dreaming about her again?” Mom asked me.

I remembered I had told her about the girl I thought I was seeing. “Yeah mom I did, it’s the weirdest thing. It’s like she calls to me or something.” I tell her just as dad came into the room.

“It happened again” Mom told dad.

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