Min Park

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Min Park ….All I could think was about her... her smile, her black and long hair. I should admit that I took the job at the ice rink because I knew she practices every afternoon over there, but I never expected her to be the one that loves stalking me.

It sure wasn’t my first kiss, back the days when my mom was alive, I was so damn popular and almost all the girls stole kisses from me but when her death happen and they found out I had the same illness, girls stop being around me, it didn’t affect me I felt relieved to be a “normal” guy with friends to hang around and bitches far away.

Min wasn’t a normal girl, when I first arrived here she was bullied by Rupert Finch and all the soccer team because they didn’t appreciate her passion about ice skating, politics and books. That day she was arguing with Rupert Finch about something and Finch almost hit her. I was so angry why would he beat a girl over something banal.

My first reaction, punching Finch hard in his cheekbone then the fight came and the whole nemesis stuff behind. The main reason Finch hates me was the same reason Min told me she loves me. But that wasn’t when I fall in love with Min.

I fall in love with her one day she was reaching a book high in the bookshelf, she being not as tall as the average girls was struggling hard to reach the book. I was reading manga silently till the sound of her shoes was becoming annoying. I turn around searching for the source of the annoying sound and when I found out it was Min, I don’t now I just loved the cute scene in front of my eyes.

I reach the book she wanted, it was about Nordic gods. She thanked me, took the book and disappeared through the bookshelves. Since then I wanted to know more about her and protect her from Finch and his gag.

Ryan and Joseph were surprised the next day when we were holding each other hands.

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