Chapter 4

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Hannahs pov

Before I officialy moved to LA I wanted to find a special hangout where I could go whenever I needed some alone time. In Vegas my special place was this empty hotel room my best friend who worked at the hotel, Marissa, would always book for me for free. I would go in there whenever I was feeling down or to just watch tv. It was basically my second room. But anyways i made sure i could have something like that that here. Its not exactly what i wanted but I still enjoy it. And thats where Im taking Ethan.

"Where are we?" Ethan asked politely. 

"My secret hangout" 

"In the woods?" He said nervously.I nod my head.

"Ok if your gonna murder me I want to first confess that I actually did pee in my bed until sixth grade but told everyone I didn't " he confessed looking down.

I look at him strangely and then burst out laughing. 

"Ethan I'm not gonna murder you but thanks for the info kid" I chuckled.

"Oh" he said turning bright red. Awww

"Anyways I wanted to show you this" I grab his hand and walk him to my secret hangout.

Ethans pov

Hannah grabbed my hand and lead me to her "secret hangout". I honestly dont trust her but a part of me says I should.

"Here we are look up" Hannah says.

I look up and it looks like an abandon treehouse. This is all so sketchy. First she drives me far away from my dorm, takes me to the middle of the woods, and brings me to an abandon tree house. Way to go Ethan youve just walked to your death smh.

"Follow me theres a staircase on the side" she says inturrupting my thinking.

I see her walk up the staircase leading up to the tree house.

"Screw it" I mumble.

I walk carefully up the stairs making sure none of the steps break in half when i step on it.

I reach up to the top and I walk in to a beautiful looking treehouse. Theres a mini carpet on the floor and a beanbag chair and wow it looks like she cleaned up the place.

 Theres a mini carpet on the floor and a beanbag chair and wow it looks like she cleaned up the place

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"I found this place on a hike when I visited LA and before I went back home I cleaned it up and bought some stuff so I could hang out when I move." Hannnah said falling into a beanbag.

"Wow" Im so impressed and guilty for thinking she was gonna kill me.

"Yeah. So i now give you permission to come here whenever you need this place" Hannah informs me.

"Woah really??"

" Yup but you have to promise not to tell or show anybody this place. Its our secret. Deal?" She says sticking out her pink

"Deal" we lock pinkies.

"Good now lets go im getting hungry" Hannah says.

"Lets order pizza" I suggest.

"That sounds good-ooooohhhh WE SHOULD ORDER PINEAPPLE PIZZA" she yells. 

"No way i LOVE pineapple pizza too!!!" I shout.

"Wow your like my new soulmate" we both laugh.

"Now lets go" Hannah says and we leave and get in her car. 

"Thanks for taking me there Hannah I really appreciate it" I say.

"Oh no problem new roommate" she smiles as she nudges my arm with her elbow. Man Im gonna enjoy having her around.

-Hey Y'all I'm back with the longest chapter in the world. I have so may ideas for this book but I'm trying to keep it original so it might take some time. Anyways how is it so far?

Roomates ~ Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now