four; "see you soon!"

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You know that split second right after you wake up when you’re completely oblivious to everything that’s going (or went) on?

Well, it surprised me that i was appressed against someone’s side with his hand comfortably rested over my shoulder. I finally made sense of things – with the help of the familiar scene of Sara’s apartment lobby in front of me, really – and snuggled back against Ashton as I shivered for the third time that morning. I shut my eyelids and sighed happily, reminiscing everything that happened the night before. It made me really glad that I didn’t shut him off like how I initially planned to because he turned out to be a great company. My extremely sarcastic comments had clearly not been dismissing enough, considering I’ve said plenty of those to him and yet, he stays. It wasn’t even part of his responsibility to accompany me like how he did la-

My thoughts were inconveniently interrupted by a familiar childlike laughter that sounded pretty contiguous. I opened one of my eyes, not wanting both of them to be blinded by the sunlight streaming in.

“A- Ashton?” I stuttered as I saw him standing against a nearby pillar, doubling over with laughter.

“Good morning. You’re all snuggled up, I see,” he said as he calmed down. I rubbed my eyes, making sure it was really Ashton Irwin that I was looking at. As he brushed his hair back in that signature way of his, I instinctively gasped and turned my head only to face an old man sleeping soundly next to me. An old man. With wrinkles etched on his face and all.

“Get here, you little shit!” I exclaimed, chasing after Ashton who was already way ahead. He led me through numerous hallways until we were both at the edge of the apartment’s outdoor swimming pool, trying to catch our breaths. “How dare you. I feel like I’ve been inappropriately touched.”

“You looked so peaceful when you were asleep, I didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable by taking away your neck support – my arm, by the way. Your head was rested against my arm the whole night – but I had to get to work. So I got the kind old man to help out. I’m just being a good person, Kare,” he said in between his series of pants. After which, he actually giggled. Giggled.

“Thank you, but that really was mean. I was about to shout for sexual harassment, you dick.”

“It isn’t sexual harassment if you enjoy it. I mean, you actually scooted closer to him,” he smirked. With that, I pushed him off the edge of the pool. What I didn’t expect was for him to pull my hand, causing me to fall into the pool too. We spent the next 30 minutes chasing each other around the pool, something I haven’t done with anyone since I was six. It made me feel something I haven’t genuinely felt ever since I was six, too - happiness, along with the thrill i get from letting loose.

And when he chimed a ‘See you, Kare!’ later that day, I made sure to smile, wave and reply with a ‘See you soon!’.


ok hi so


the next chapter will definitely be longer, that i can promise you :)

but either way, tell me what you think, please!! 

dedicated to raniya because she's one of my first few friends on here and she's been real sweet AND SHE'S AN EXCELLENT WRITER I LOVE YOU RANIYA

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