ten; "what big is a lamp watermelon?"

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There were pros and cons of going grocery shopping with Ashton, I decided.

Pros: I got to see him. I got to hear the childlike laughter that could brighten up my day in an instant. I got to sit in the trolley and be pushed like a 6 year old.

Cons: I was wrong – the trolley did end up crashing into a stack of toilet rolls. His loud laughter brought unnecessary attention to us. Also, we acted like we were perpetually high around each other for some reason (although that could be under pros as well since I was actually having tons of fun).

And today was no exception.

“Ash, hey,” I whispered and pointed at the ceiling, “Don’t you think that the lamps look like half watermelons?”

“Why are we whispering?”

“I don’t know. I don’t wanna offend the watermelons.”

He looked at me weirdly and then laughed. He clasped his hand over his mouth when we realized that half the shoppers in the Fruits section were giving us unpleasant looks, some even shaking their heads. Teens these days, they must be thinking.

“I apologize for my friend’s behavior, ladies and gentlemen. Have a pleasant day ahead!” he exclaimed, getting a smack on the shoulder from me.

“What was tha-“ I looked up just as he looked down, our noses almost touching. He stared deep into my eyes, then down and back at my eyes. His hazel eyes were filled with lust. Only when his fingertips brushed my cheeks did I realize what was happening. Don’t kiss me, don’t kiss me, don’t kiss me. I mentally panicked; my thoughts were jumbled up and so messed up to the point where I couldn’t form a proper sentence in my head. My palms moistened. As he leaned in, I swear my heart was beating at a speed faster than Usain Bolt had ever run at. I wanted to hit my head against a wall as I blurted out, “What big is a lamp watermelon?”

He could only pull back and stare at me, eyes wide.


The ride back to my place was awkward, if not terrifyingly anxious. To make matters worse, Ashton’s car’s stereo was malfunctioning and hence, no sound could come out of it. There was complete silence, besides the sound of light rain hitting against the windows and the constant tapping of my foot against the car mat.

“You don’t have to be nervous, y’know, I’m sorry I tried to ki-” he chuckled.

“No, no, don’t say it. And I-I’m not nervous,” I scoffed.

“Yeah, that’s why you’re stuttering,” he paused. As he opened his mouth to speak again, I did – well, not voluntarily – the most embarrassing thing someone could ever do in the most awkward situations. I farted. My eyes widened and I snuck a glance at him, expecting a reaction full of disgust. If he had heard it, he was clearly choosing to disregard it and move on with his life, which I was thankful for. Unless, well, he was planning to use that against me in the future. “So, how come you never visit Sara anymore?”

“No reason, really,” I shrugged. That was a lie, though.

“How long has it been since you last spoke to her, anyway?”

“I’m guessing around two weeks? Why do you want to know, anyway?”

Completely ignoring my question, he instead said, “Maybe you should speak to her. Y’know… Talk things out. Reconcile.”

Truth was, our last conversation ended with an excess of swear words being hurled across her living room.

“Oh, look who’s here,” Sara harshly said as I stepped into her place. Her eyes didn’t leave the television as she said it.

“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” I laughed internally at the joke Ashton and I shared earlier that day. We were walking across a restaurant when a middle-aged lady said those words to him and winked. In the span of time we had spent with each other, never have we laughed harder.


“Don’t be so moody, what’s up? Are things with Brandon alri-“

“What makes you think I’m fucking moody because of my relationship?” she snapped. Right then, she was getting on my nerves. Who did she think she was, venting her anger on me when I clearly hadn’t done anything wrong?

“Then why are you being so shit?” I raised my hands in frustration.

She looked at me in disbelief. “No, if there were anything that’s being shit, it’s you. You’re such a shit friend, you never hang out with me anymore!”

“You never asked me out. You know I’ll do it in a heartbeat if you asked, but how was I to know-“

“That’s bullshit and you know it, Kara. It seems like the only thing that fucking matters to you nowadays is Ashton,” she spat his name as if it was venom.

“This isn’t about Ashton, this is about you being a spoilt little bitch. I’m done tolerating you today, call me when you’ve got your fucking shit straight.”

But she never did. That left me questioning my friendship and how important it is to Sara.

“Maybe I’ll talk to her soon,” I finally said, knowing Ashton was being rational.


this is really not a very good chapter but i hope it wasn't too bad

bUT it's important in the sense that it's leading up to a very very important part of the story :) and i'm excited for it :) :) :) :)

and that 'part of the story' will be up soon. might be tonight, might be tomorrow, it depends! 

dedicated to sierra!! she's one of the most supportive friends i have on here and i really appreciate you guys for thatttt, thank you :)

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