5SOS - Calum Hood <his pov>

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i will always remember the day we met. i was at the game store, i always come. but buy that new Black Ops game. i was one of the boys who bought games, instead of downlouding it illigeal.

i walked into the store and i was wondered by what i saw, and no i wasn't a nerd to be clear. i have a tattoo. and dropped out of school for this band.

but back to the story. i saw a girl, now.. there were girls more, but they will always go to buy the horse and or barbie games, you know, the girl games.but she, she just walked to the boys department. and got the game i wanted to buy.

she was beautiful, her beautiful blue/green eyes, a bit a combination of Michael and Luke's eyes. and her gorgeous blonde hair. she was beautiful, and as if i wasn't surprised enough, she wore black skinny's and black Vans, with.. a All Time Low shirt.

All Time Low, my favourite band.

her wavy, blond hair hang loose on her shoulders, as she brought the game to the counter. i was amazed that she wasn't wearing, like 100 pounds of make-up. only a bit of.. i guess black eyeliner and mascara.

i decided to make a talk to her. maybe we could game together or just hang you know. just friends.

i walked to up to her. 'Heey, i never saw a girl buying that kind of game.' i said a bit smiling, making her chuckle.

'hey, well i'm new here, and this was kinda the only game i didn't have. you know because it's a new game. and why wouldn't be a girl allowed to buy Black Ops?' she said.

'i never said it wasn't allowed, but you're just different..' i said, making her doubting,

did i say something wrong? anyways she asked me to get her to her home, since she was lost.

sounds like a good upportunity to get her to know better.

we walked to her home. wait whahat?

'you must be kidding? you're my neighbor Y/N! i live next door.' i said in disbelieve.

'that's awesome, and hey, come with me for a while.. and can we go game at yours, since my playstation is still in one of the boxes?' she asked

'yeah sure we can, and okay.' we walked into her house to meet her mom.

'heey hon, who's this?' she smiled.

'hey mom, this is Calum, he's the boy next door.' i love it when she said my name.

i smiled and shook her hand, as she said we were gaming at mine.

we walked out her house, to walk to mine. i opened the door, and we met Mali. as usual i ginored her and pulled her to the kitchen, to get some snacks and drinks for gaming. when we met my mom, she introduced herself before i could say something.

then my mom came to me and gave me a hug, she whispered 'she likes you, and she's a keeper!' in my ear i nodded and couldn't believe that she liked me, i mean yes i like her. as in more than just friends.

we gamed all night and had deep talks and random conversations.













and now.. 70 years later, she died. my beautiful wife and mother to our childeren, and grandma to our grandchilderen, and even our grandchilderen already have childeren. we had an amazing life and now, at the age of 88. me and my bandmates are having our album number i don't even know.

we were all married and always on tour, even when we were 88, 89, and 90. we were still standing on stage. and then the fact all those old girls who were fans from the ebginning still know how to rock to our music.

i'm glad we didn't choose to be a boyband-ish thing. because our old friends, who we lost contact with. One Direction had to stop at the age of 25, well Louis was 25 when they had to quit.

we finially became a full rock band and we got more and more fans, thousands of them.

and still we sell out full arena's, stadium's ect.

'dad, i'm going on tour with you, to take care of you. Jake, Jaden and Jade are comming too.' my son Liam said. yes i called him after Liam Payne, one of my best mates back then.

i nodded as we saw Luke with his wife Chelsea and their son Jake. Michael and his wife Diana with their daugher Jade and Ashton with his wife Kaira and their Jaden.

this was going to be an awesome tour. can't believe we're actually still alive with our dumb actions.

i know i met Y/N at the age of 18, and now 70 years later she was gone, but she'll always be there in my heart.

and i walked once more to where it all begun.

'we'll always have that game store.' i said to Y/N, knowing she's in a good place, watching me.

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