My Bully ch.3

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Chapter 3

The next day

"Michael please stop" I cried from pain, he's hitting me all over my arms, stomach, legs, head and my side the only thing he isn't hitting is my face which is covered by my hands.
"Please" I said sobbing softly, suddenly he stopped. I don't know but he was just standing there starring at me I couldn't see him because my hands were still covering my face. All I could here was my sobs and his heavy breathing. He didn't move, he didn't leave this time. I laid there for a couple of minutes and he still didn't leave..why isn't he gone yet? He would of been left me here. What's different now? As I noticed he didn't move I slowly got up looking at the ground and got my stuff and walked away. I wasn't gonna lay there all day while he watch me. As I was walking away I felt someone a few feet behind me...I quickly glanced behind me and saw Michael..I hurried and turned back around frightened. What the fuck? Is he following me? Why is he following me? His house is the other way, oh no what if he's trying to find out where I live..or worst...he's gonna take me in the bushes and kill me. I know I sound dramatic but for crying out loud Michael beats me you don't think he would kill me too.

Michael is following me, what the fuck should I do I mean I can't go home I don't want him to know where I live. *The park* my conscience said. Yes! I mean why not he can't find out where I live there.

So I turn a corner to go to the park and of course Michael turns too.

As I made it to the park I glanced at Michael and he looks confused.. yes ok that's go. I sat on a bench and Michael sat in another bench ten feet in front of me as well. What does he want? I can trust Michael he's probably trying to come up with something new so he can embarrass me tomorrow..yea Michael would do some file shit like that..I know him.

He's just sitting there starring at me. It would be weird if someone past by and saw him like that...but no ones here..why did I come here if no one is here..he could beat my ass here too. Stupid Nevaeh.

Well I might be here for a while so I might as well get started on *our* homework. I crossed my legs while tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear, As I was pulling out the sheets I glanced up at Michael seeing him pulling out his cellphone I quickly looked back down before he can snap a picture. I knew it, I knew he was up to something I'm not stupid all he does is embarrass me. People say you can never hate someone but I can honestly say I hate Michael.

As I was half way done with Michael's homework I sense him walking over. Oh shit!! why god! what did I ever done to deserve this.
"That better be my homework Johnson" Michael demand while sitting next to me..(whining) why he's here!?!?!
"Y-yes I'm almost through" I said practically shaking..I'm so fucking scared of him it makes no since.
"Good" he simply said.

Once I was done with our homework I gave him his, he snatched it from me as always and walked back to his bench. Why isn't he fucking leaving? Like what the fuck? is he waiting for me to lead the way to my house? I really don't want him to know where I live. (sigh) please leave Michael..

I'm in so much body aches from the hits he gave me. I bet if I lift my shirt I'll have bruises everywhere, jeez I'm hurting i'll usually be at home laying down with some ice or something. But I can't right now because Michael isn't leaving.

I'm just siting here looking around at the ducks that has walked over here so they can get the cracker pieces that I through on the ground..I love coming to the park it's soo relaxing I can think and clear my mine..well this is the second place...main place is my open view of the city. Nothing but grass...but when you look down theirs the view...its so beautiful it's amazing. I go there to just be alone with no one around..that's where I gather myself together.

When I glanced up at Michael I see him taking pictures of me again..ugh I'm gonna catch hell tomorrow everyone is gonna see whatever Michael is taking pictures of. Why won't he just leave me alone.

The pain in my side is getting worse, I can barely stand it, I almost wanna cry from it.

As I stood up to check my side Michael looked at me with curious eyes. Nosy.

I raised up my shirt to see a big purple and blue bruise on my side where my ribs are located..I bit my lip and caressed it but as I did that pain shot through me and I flinched.
"Ow" I whimpered. I glance at Michael with pain and hurt written on my face to see him with worry and concern in his eyes. But that quickly changed by looking back at his phone.

As I sat back down Michael stood up pushing his phone back in his pocket walking away.

Is he leaving?

I waited thirty extra minutes to make sure Michael wasn't around. When I made sure the cose is clear I quickly made my way home. When I made it here I looked around to make sure I didn't see anything to do with Michael.

Ok this was to strange!!









My Bully (Mj fantasy) bad eraWhere stories live. Discover now