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I'm sorry I haven't updated in such a long time and I'm here to tell you I won't be updating anymore, I was 18 when I started this and now I'm 24 I have grown out of writing fanfics I probably most likely write original stories now..I don't know when but just to inform you that "my bully" is disconnected. I'm so sorry please forgive me I hope you all stick with me and support me I know you guys really love my fics but I don't enjoy them anymore and NO it's not about "leaving neverland" I love Michael so much so please don't think that. I've been leaving you guys hanging for so long you don't deserve that so I'm here to let you know I won't be updating "my bully"  I should give you guys a spoiler just to give you all closure, so the rest of the story was going to be Michael winning nevaeh's heart he was going to try everything in him to win her over not just fall in love but winning her trust no matter how hard nevaeh's PTSD was he'll do anything. Now Michael's secret, The reason Michael abused nevaeh was because his foster father abused his foster mother since he was 6 years old when she had enough she left Michael with him...he never abused Michael he made Michael to be the monster he was (foster dad) so Michael felt that if he don't do the same he won't be a man, Michael never abused anyone before until nevaeh....a shy weak little thing she was perfect for him. He never told nevaeh this until way later in the story. When Michael saw nevaeh's cuts it scared him he never seen anything like it before he wanted to know why she did that to herself or why would someone do that to her, he might've beaten her but he would never cut her, when nevaeh kicked him out Michael went home and cried he cried so hard all night he knew it was all his fault if it wasn't for him she wouldn't do that the guilt he was feeling made him snap out of it he swore to himself he would never ever hurt nevaeh again and he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her and protect her and that's what he did. Nevaeh PTSD was so bad that Michael himself got her therapy and psychiatrist diagnosed her with schizophrenia she always had symptoms of it as a child but once Michael entered her life it Manifest into something much worse (no she doesn't want to kill anyone it was mainly herself)  Nevaeh's trauma was so deep Michael couldn't just fix her by making it up to her so he talked to her mom about getting help for her depression...that's only what he told her (mom) not the other stuff, she agreed. Michael wanted to do anything to help because he knew it was his fault she was like this he started questioning if being in her life will make things worse since he was the problem he didn't know what to do then, the guilt never faded until nevaeh said I do.

In the story of course I would've went into detail like a story should it would've been extremely long. I'm sorry I'm not continuing the story I wanted to give you guys spoilers to make it up to you all. One day I'll make a comeback and start an original story it will be better this time because I've matured if you loved my writing before you'll definitely love it now. Please stay tuned I'll be back.

If you made it this far thank you so much for reading this authors note and I hope you stay with me. :)

Love you.

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