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Second to last chapter. If you think you figured out why Soul can't have a miester, tell me in the comments. I really want to see if anyone guessed it.

Anyways, please enjoy.


Soul was slouched over more than normal as he trudged on next to her towards the Death Room. He had been quiet the entire trip over, only grunting when she tried to start a conversation. Now he was completely silent, glaring at everything and nothing. Worried, Maka came to a stop, turning on the brooding weapon.

"What's wrong?" He shrugged, prompting her to use her more stern tone. "Soul."

He growled slightly, before letting out a deep sigh. "I'm just worried."

Maka cocked her head to the side. "About what? Lord Death just wants to see us. It can't be anything that bad."

Soul shook his head. "It just doesn't feel right. To call us in on a weekend?"

Maka gave him a reassuring smile, reaching out and grabbing his hand in hers before tugging him along behind her. "Don't worry, I'll be right here next to you."

Appeased, Soul gripped her hand tighter and allowed her to lead them down the hallway until they reached the large door that led to Lord Death's personal domain. Before either of them could move to knock, the large doors swung open invitingly. Glancing back to give Soul another encouraging smile, she tugged gently on his arm and pulled him into the giant room.


"Maka! Soul! Hey, Hi, How ya doing?" Lord Death greeted, cheerful as always. "Thank you for coming so...."

"Hey! Let go of my Maka's hand you little pervert!" Spirit screamed, launching into the air towards the young pair. Without even a second glance, Death's oversized hand crashed into the Death Scythes hand and sent him sprawling to the floor. Not missing a beat, he continued.

"...on. Now, I'm sure you're eager to know why I called you here." Maka nodded, while Soul gave an uncommitted shrug. "Well, I actually have a mission for the two of you."

Maka felt Soul's hand tighten around hers for a moment before he stepped forward, letting her go. "What do you mean 'the two of you'?"

Death bounced up and down joyously. "I mean that you and Maka will be working together on this one!"

Seeing Soul throw back his shoulders, prepared to argue (most likely quite rudely) with the Death God, Maka quickly intervened, stepping forward herself. "I'm sorry Lord Death, but...but Soul and I...well, we aren't partners." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Soul flash her a quick look.

"Yes, we are well aware of that" A new voice ventured from behind them. Turning around the pair saw Stein leisurely stroll into the room, taking his place by Lord Death. "But this mission will still require both of you."

"Why?" Maka asked, once again cutting off Soul.

Lord Death took the question. "You see, a certain couple have been making quite a ruckus in Italy, we need someone to go put an end to them."

"I can do that without a miester" Soul growled, "No need to send her, it's only going to slow me down, and probably get her hurt."

At his words, Maka felt her hands clench in anger. She was not some helpless little princess waiting for prince charming (something he was not!). She was about to mimic Lord Death and give Soul a good Maka Chop, but Lord Death had already begun talking.

"Yes, normally you would be able to handle this mission on your own, but without Maka you won't have much lucking finding them." He paused for a moment as he gained the full and undivided attention of the students at his cryptic words. "You are not after a pre-kishin on this mission. Instead, you will be hunting a weapon-miester pair.... of sorts."

Weapon Wanted: Meister Not. (soulXmaka fanfic) (soul eater)Where stories live. Discover now