Three's company

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Three's company

Soul had made for the exit after his episode with Maka, but had ended up hastily turning around and melting back into the crowd when he caught sight of a furious Liz waiting by the door. After a few minute of awkward mingling, and forcing yet another girl to tears, he escaped into one of the schools many hallways.

He let out a sigh of relief as the noise and lights of the party drifted away and he was surrounded by silence in the empty hallways. He walked for a few more minutes, taking turns at random and soon found himself in an unfamiliar part of the school. Curious, he read the sign above the door he was closest too.

"Didn't know we even had a music room," he muttered as he looked back and forth. But he was alone. Curiosity taking over his hands, he reached out and twisted the door handle, fully expecting it to be locked. But instead, it swung open with no resistance. Surprised, he glanced around one last time, before entering the dark room.


"Damnit, where did that idiot go?" Maka growled as she turned another corner. She knew she saw a head of white hair sneak of into the hallways, but she had lost him in the labyrinth that was the DWMA. Sighing, she was just about to turn around and head back to the party when a sound reached her ears. She frowned. It sounded so sad, and lonely. Closing her eyes, she started off, simply letting the melancholy sound draw her in.


Soul didn't know when he started playing the piano. It had simply happened. The room had been dark, save for a single light that hung above a black grand piano. Ignoring the pictures on the wall, he had sat down. He had only meant to brush the keys, just to see if it was in tune. But as soon as his fingers met the cold ivory, they had taken on a mind of their own.

So he had played. But not the songs he normally played. He ignored the Bach, and the Beethoven. He ignored the Mozart and the Chopin that had been meticulously drilled into his brain by his family, and he simply played what he felt.

As his fingers continued to dance upon the keys, he felt an unfamiliar and forgotten burning sensation in his eyes. Closing his eyes tight, he forced the tears away and pounded the keys hard, letting his feelings flow through him. He forced out his anger, and his annoyance, his sadness and his pain. And suddenly he found himself left with only his loneliness. And something else.

Opening his eyes, he let his right hand travel to the very end of the keyboard as his song came to a close. Sighing, he leaned over, resting his head lightly on the keyboard. He felt like he had just run a marathon.

"Wow" A voice interrupted his solitude.

He whipped his head up, his crimson eyes meeting the sea foam green. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you playing." She said softly as she stepped forward.

Soul frowned. He didn't like when people listened to him play. A trait he had no doubt picked up from his family constantly forcing him to perform for guests. It had been years since he had played for someone besides himself.

"It was," Soul cringed inwardly, waiting for her criticism. "Beautiful.

And with those kind words Soul Eater, for the first time in years, was stunned into silence.

"What's it called?"

Soul shook his head, snapping out of his silence, "I dunno."

"Well, I think you should give it a name" She smiled, stepping even closer to him. He fought the desire to retreat to a safer distance. "It's good enough."

Weapon Wanted: Meister Not. (soulXmaka fanfic) (soul eater)Where stories live. Discover now