Tell me why, please?

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Tell me why, please?

"It would appear Soul Eater is growing quite reckless." Death observed as he re-watched the young scythe's last mission play across the mirror that dominated the death room. "At the pace he's going, he won't survive another year...I really do wish this thing had sound, Soul seems to be saying something or another..."

Stein shrugged, taking a drag of his cigarette. "Eater doesn't want a miester, and we can't force him to take one. And he's cursing. He does that a lot."

Lord Death rubbed his head with one of his oversized hands, choosing to ignore Soul's unorthodox style "Quite right, quite right. But perhaps...perhaps we can help lead him in the right direction?"

Steins face remained passive. "You want to set him up with Spirits daughter don't you?"

Death clapped his hands together happily. "Exactly! I'm sure you've noticed she is the only miester he has allowed close to him. It's not much, but it's a start. I believe if we can get them on a mission together, Soul will see the value of a miester."

Stein nodded, before a wide smile split his face. "Spirit isn't going to like this."

Death shook his head, "None sense, Death Scythe is a level headed man. He will see the necessity of our actions." There was a beat of awkward silence as Stein stared at the Death God.


"You want to do what?" Spirit screamed, falling down to his knees. "You want to send my daughter on a mission with...with that octopus head? It's bad enough they're living together. And you!" he turned on Stein, "You let her fight him! And put them in the same class! That's my baby girl damnit!"

Stein simply sighted, giving the reigns over to Lord Death. "Death Scythe, calm down. This is important. Maka has already shown promise as a miester, promise her mother showed. But without a weapon, there is not much she can do."

"So pick another weapon, preferably a girl" Spirit growled through gritted teeth.

"Maka has already expressed interest in Soul, it's the most obvious choice."

Spirit's eyes bulged. "My little angel has no interest in boys! Especially not that boy, little bastard."

"Death Scythe" Lord Death warned, but the weapon was off in his own little world already. In a matter of seconds the two had descended into a childish screaming match, leaving a very annoyed Stein to watch.

Stein sighed again, this was taking up too much of his time. Didn't these people know he had stude...things to dissect? He would have to interfere before this got any more out of hand.. Reaching out, he rested a hand on his old friend's shoulder. "Maka's a scythe miester just like Kami was." Spirit stopped, his eyes softening. "Eater is the only scythe weapon here. And we both know he's a good kid. They are each other's only chance here."

Spirit stayed quiet a moment before nodding curtly. Taking in a deep breath, he looked up at his employer. "So, what's the mission?"


Maka woke up early, already feeling wide-awake. It just felt like it was going to be a good day. Smiling, she leaned down the bed and rubbed Blair gently behind the ears as had become habit over the course of the week. Letting out a small squeak as she stretched, she rolled out of the bed and padded off towards the bathroom to take a quick shower.

She really did have to hand it to Soul. He had done well with picking a place with a large bathroom. Sighing, she let the warm water continue to cascade around her. Speaking of Soul, she really should check on him. He had looked pretty beat up last night. What an idiot. At least she had been able to bandage up most of his wounds nicely, no need to damage that perfect skin anymore than it already was.... Shaking her head she turned the water onto cold for a moment, driving thoughts of Soul's body from her mind before hoping out and grabbing a large towel.

Weapon Wanted: Meister Not. (soulXmaka fanfic) (soul eater)Where stories live. Discover now