Twenty Five

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Scott takes a right-hand turn onto the road his GPS shows him, his brows furrowing as he pulls into an almost empty parking lot. There were a few older-looking cars scattered throughout the area, but not a single person outside.

Scott narrows his eyes and scans the area. Something deep down is warning him that something isn't right.

He leans forward in his seat and looks out the windshield at the building in front of him, the numbers 1876 stenciled onto the bricks. Scott just hopes his gut is still on edge from everything that's happened today and this was going to be a really cool bar that Mitch had found.

He shuts off the engine and steps out in the cool air. Spring may have arrived, but the nights still held a bite to them, especially standing next to the water, the wind whipping at his jacket.

He takes a deep breath and looks around the parking lot again, something really not feeling right. He bites at the corner of his lip for a moment before pulling out his phone and opening a text message to Alex.

May be paranoid, but meeting Mitch at some bar on 1876 n 10th st and got a weird feeling. Keep your ears on just in case.

As soon as the message sends, a texting box pops up, Alex already responding.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

Scott purses his lips but ignores his friend and pockets his phone. He knew Alex had known something had gone down between the two, and he sure as hell wouldn't have approved if he had found out exactly what had happened between them, but right now, he didn't need a lecture. He needed to find Mitch and figure out what the hell the two of them were going to do now.

Scott hurries across the parking lot while trying to keep his composure, not wanting to look like he had been rushing in to find Mitch, but Scott is a mixture of nerves and excitement. It's like he was fifteen again and taking Cathy Wilson to her senior prom. Bad memories for sure.

As he reaches the door, his phone vibrates in his pocket, but Scott ignores it as he steps inside.

His brow furrows as he walks pass the threshold, seeing crates rather than bar patrons. The lights are off and not a single sound echoes through the vast building.

Either he was in the wrong spot....or–
He reaches into his jacket for his gun when the click of a safety unlocking rings in his ears.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

Someone drawls behind him as the barrel of a gun presses against his neck.
Scott slowly raises his hands above his shoulders. He cocks his head slightly, just enough to make out the figure behind him.

"You haven't happened to seen a boy around here, have ya?" Scott smiles, his mind racing for a plan as he tries to stall. "I was suppose to meet someone here but I've got a feeling he's standing me up." Scott smirks, wondering if he spin quick enough to knock the gun from the man's hand before the guy can get a shot off.

But before Scott can make a move, the man responds by shoving him forward, putting too much space between him and Scott for Scott to make a move.

"Start walking." The man orders and Scott keeps his hands raised as he walks further into the warehouse.

As they walk, Scott's eyes scan the room, seeing two possible exits in addition to the door he came through.

But if for some reason Scott wasn't able to work his way out of this one, he had to hope Alex would somehow realize something's not right. And if that was his only option, Scott just had to survive until then.

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