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I once again found myself in the passenger seat of the sleek muscle car that could have easily been driven by my parents in high school. Pop music continued to flow through the speakers, though this time I wasn't entirely sure who was signing. Maybe Demi? Or Tove Lo? My sister would know, but I had no clue.

With my hands folded on my lap, and knees pressing against each other, I look around the car, noticing it wasn't as pristine as I once thought it was; the dashboard was beat up, scuffs and scratches appearing in the afternoon sun. Whenever Scott's hands slide down the wheel, I noticed imprints in the leather that were probably older than Scott. And I noticed suckering in the leather on the door next to me, which looked like it was patched up years ago.

"Did you fix her up?" I decide to break the silence. At first, I welcomed the quiet, my mind still reeling as I prepared to say goodbye to the life I knew, but now, I couldn't stop thinking, and I needed something, anything, to distract me.

Scott glances at me through the side of his gaze, his head not even moving an inch.

"What makes you think I fixed her up?" There's almost an annoyed tone in his voice, though it's overshadowed by curiosity.

I point to the dashboard. "Well, it looks like there's scratches ingrained in the wood of the dashboard, not to mention the patchwork on the upholstery of the doors." I point to my door.

''Well, aren't you perceptive." He smirks at me, and I duck my head, smiling that I was right.

"Plus, this car is old. Really old." I shrug. "I can't imagine they make these at all anymore.

"Baby's not old." Scott's face scrunches as he frowns. I turn to him, confusion written in the crease between my brows.

Baby? (SPN reference anyone???)


"What?" He asks back, now the confused one.

"Baby?" I asked with raised eyebrows. "You call your car, baby?" My mouth gapes in disbelief.

What the hell is it with straight, or presumably straight, men and their cars?

"What's wrong with naming a car?" He quickly shakes his head at me, dividing his attention between our conversation and the road.

I look at him incredulously.

Really? Is what I wanted to say to him. It sounded like he was in a relationship with his car.

Though it could be possible, I think, remembering that disturbing "My Strange Addiction" episode when a guy had exactly that.

"Nevermind." I drop the conversation. He was going to be protecting my life, I figure the least I could do was not harass him about his weird pet name for his car.

The rest of the ride to my apartment continues in silence, and I'm grateful when we finally pull up in front of the white, bricked building.

As I make your way inside, I don't miss Scott scan the area, his eyes sweeping every person who walks by, instantly reminding me just how much danger I was in.

The walk to my apartment is silent, the soles of my shoes shuffling against the marble floors the only noise around us, making me self-conscious of my stride.

I glance back, frowning as Scott's boots silently follow behind me, and I wonder how he can walk so quietly in clunky biker boots.

"What?" He catches my stare and looks down at his shoes as if he might find something there.

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