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"He okay up there?" Alex turns from his spot on the couch as the stairs creak under Scott's weight.

Scott holds out his hands as he plops down on the same couch.

"Okay enough." Scott shakes his head. "He's still trying to get use to all this." Scott brings a hand up to his face, deeply rubbing his temples as he leans back.

"And you?" Scott's hand falls away at his partner's question.

"What about me?"

Alex looks down, his lips folding into a hard line as he chooses his words.

"Avi called me. About what happened in interrogation today."

Scott huffs with a groan as he throws his hand up and lets it fall against his thigh.

"He wanted me to keep an eye on you two."

"For what?" Scott spits, though he already knows the answer, and so does Alex.

"I see why you like him," Alex looks down at his folded hands. "But our job is to protect him."

Scott bites the inside of his lip with a shake of his head.

"You think I don't know that?" Scott suddenly stands, throwing a hand towards Alex.

"I know exactly what Shelton and Vine will do to him if we don't keep him safe. I watched them to it to my mother." Scott's voice carries through the house and up the stairs, concealing the creak of weight from both of them.

"And you and Avi really think I'm going to risk that for, what?" Scott spits, his fingers points to the bedroom above them. "Just so I can get laid?" The volume in Scott's voice breaks, but the venom remains.

"That's not what I meant." Alex's jaw locks, his voice firm.

Scott takes a deep breath, knowing Alex would never insinuate something like that, but he's too worked up to care.

"I've given my entire life to this case." Scott rubs a hand down his face, trying to find his composure. "The only thing he means to me is putting away Shelton and Vine. I'm not going to risk anything for that. Vine and Shelton are finally going to pay."


My face is white hot.

All I had wanted was a cup of tea, but I had gotten so much more.

My thoughts are swarming.

I watched them to it to my mother.

Just so I can get laid?

The only thing he means to me is putting away Shelton and Vine.

I felt hurt and stupid. I wanted to hate him for what he said but my heart also broke for him.

Everything made sense; his crazy obsession with this case. Shelton hadn't just killed Scott's mother–he made him watch, probably forcing him to relive it for years.

Hot tears stream down my face and shaky hands clasp my mouth, keeping my gasps quiet.

Scott's heavy footsteps pace through the living room and my breath catches in my throat. My lungs shut off and my heart throbs against my chest.

I need air. Now.

With shaking legs I take the steps as quickly and quietly as I can, Scott and Alex too preoccupied to hear me scurry down the hall to the back door. I throw the deadbolt open and the cold swarms me as I race outside, not caring about shoes or a jacket.

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