Chapter 6 - The Horror

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Loudbelly carried Icepaw as we trotted toward east so we could avoid another clash with those three mouse-brains being ruled by Hawkpaw. He was supposed to be a warrior by now, but an injury made him have double time with training. Hawkpaw was actually going to have his warrior ceremony after The Reaping.

I found it easier to be in the dense forest, now that I was used to it. It almost made me feel safer with trees surrounding me, keeping me semi-hidden. Making my way forward, I glanced over at Loudbelly. The brown tom seemed tired and worried, while Icepaw laid on his back bleeding heavily. With her eyes closed, she seemed to be unconscious. The only way I knew she wasn't dead was because her chest rose and fell slowly.

Looking forward again, I continued to pad through the trees. "We need some goldenrod and cobweb. Goldenrod is everywhere and if we find a cave, we will have cobwebs and shelter." I nodded and kept going without replying to the tom. The forest came to an end and we were near the edge of the hole everyone called the Arena. 

The edge of the Arena was so steep there was no way you would be able to climb up. Even if we were to try, the guard at the top was watching us like a hawk. I looked forward again and kept going, following the edge. My ears perked up all of a sudden when I picked up on the sound of a waterfall. "Loudbelly!" I whispered, turning to him. He looked at me with hope, turning his head sharply to see me. 

"I can hear a waterfall! Water means fish!" I smiled and we dashed forward. I had to slow down and wait for Loudbelly because with Icepaw on his back, he didn't want to run too fast or she'd fall. She could loose more blood that way, too.

I sniffed around and found a flower that had a strong scent to it. "Goldenrod!" Loudbelly gasped and set Icepaw down gently. He picked it and set it beside Icepaw. "There isn't a lot but it might just do. Feathertail, grab cobweb in the bushes and trees, please." He meowed, nudging Icepaw awake. As I left, he began to chew it up. I could hear him murmur to the apprentice as I padded away, "Lick your wounds, Icepaw. It'll clean them."

Running to the waterfall, I searched around for any white bunches of webs. I looked in the trees' branches, grass, and finally I found some in between the rocks beside the waterfall. Grabbing a stick, I collected a wad of it on the tip. I turned tail and ran back to where Loudbelly was waiting.

"Here," I panted, passing him the stick. He dipped his head and I looked around. A blood curdling scream came from somewhere past the river and my heart leaped in shock. I turned to Loudbelly but even as scared as he seemed, he kept working on Icepaw. Applying pressure, he stopped the bleeding and then applied the chewed flower.

I stood in front of him, claws unsheathed. I listened as the screech echoed across the river again. I flinched and turned toward the water and heard a loud splash. Loudbelly stood beside me, "I know its scary, but everything will be alright." The brown tom worked quickly as the loud thumps of large paws came closer. My heart lurched as the mysterious creature came into sight. I gasped. The Horror had to be three times as big as me and Loudbelly. His eyes were bright orange, burning like a fire. 

"I think I've lost my mind." I whimpered as The Horror charged after me. Loudbelly slabbed on the rest of the poultice and lifted the apprentice onto his back again. Taking off, the white she-cat bounced as he ran. I followed him on his heels.

"We're going no where!" I yelled at him and he looked over his shoulder. 

"It doesn't matter! Hurry up, Feathertail!" 

A deep growl came from behind us,"You can run but you'll never escape!" It gave me motivation to run even faster. I could feel its heavy paws thundering closer, shaking the tree branches and the ground underneath us.

"He can speak?!" Loudbelly gasped, eyes wide, "I guess so!" I yowled, turning to the left, "Follow me!"

"I'll try," Loudbelly shouted and I ran as fast as I could. I glimpsed over my shoulder and saw Loudbelly struggling to catch up. I stopped and grabbed Icepaw, throwing her over my shoulder and running after Loudbelly. The older tom was panting heavily.

"This is insane!" Loudbelly shouted over his shoulder. "Tell me about it!" I rushed to get to him as The Horror pounded closer. "Go, go, go!" I yowled at him and he turned into the forest again. I was going to miss that river. We didn't even get a chance to fish!

I turned to the west and we came to the darker forest. I looked over my shoulder and watched Loudbelly begin to lose his speed while The Horror closed in. I dropped Icepaw and grabbed her by the scruff to climb a thick tree. 

I reached the nearest branch and set Icepaw beside me, letting her lean on the trunk. I waited with my heard whirling for Loudbelly to climb up the tree too, but after a few slow, agonizing moments, he never came. I began to panic. I can't heal Icepaw, he's the one who knows the herbs! Come on Loudbelly ,hurry up!

Glancing at the sleeping apprentice, I hesitated, but reluctantly jumped down. I heard growls come form ahead and I stalked toward it, trembling. The sound of ripping flesh answered my anxious question. "Loudbelly..." I whispered, stalking in behind a bush and peeking over. Loudbelly's brown fur was scattered everywhere, blood soaked into the grass around it. The Horror was ripping Loudbelly apart.

I swallowed a scream as I stared in horror at the sight in front of me. I'm too late. This is all my fault. I should've stayed with him. I didn't even try to stay with him. I knew he was old. I knew he was going to slow down easily. I thought, blaming myself. I knew it was my fault. Closing my eyes, I fought the urge to let out a whimper. 

The Horror was chewing on Loudbelly's flesh. "Why didn't you scream for help, Loudbelly?" I whispered, barely audible. I couldn't look anymore. I was going to heave up whatever was left in my stomach. 

I backed away - there was nothing I could do - and headed quickly to the tree with Icepaw in it. Sorrow pained my heart, leaving a lump in my throat. Climbing up, I used my front paws to hold onto the thick branch while I slowly made my way to the other side of Icepaw as she slept. I lifted myself up until I could get my hind legs over the branch, careful not to swing the branch. 

I laid down on the branch, facing Icepaw, and wrapped my hind legs around the branch as best as I could. Closing my eyes, I forced the sound of other animals chowing down on the flesh of Loudbelly and possibly Frostfur out of my head. That night, nightmares flooded my brain, screams and bloody friends begging for my help appearing. 

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