Chapter 15

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Cora was carrying her Aunt's tray down the stairs the following morning when she saw Margie admitting Teddy and a woman into the hall.

"Teddy, what are you doing here?" she asked as she handed off the tray to Margie.

"I called Garrett this morning to apologize for my mistake last night and when I offered to take you both out this evening, to make up for it, he mentioned that you were attending a business dinner with him. He also mentioned that he was concerned because you had told him that you didn't have anything to wear."

Cora nodded as she listened to her talk in a rush, watching the woman behind her take in the house. The woman was small in stature like Cora. She had mousy brown hair which was pulled back into a ponytail and a pair of glasses rested on her makeup free face. Her brown eyes were busy scanning everything on which they landed, including Cora.

The differences in the two women were dramatic.  Teddy was vibrant in her red tailored business suit and the woman behind her was muted by black slacks and a navy sweater set.

"Oh, forgive me Cora, this is Andie Ball my assistant, Andie this is Cora Scott, Garrett's fiancé."

"Shhhh." Cora hushed Teddy as she looked over her shoulder.  "Aunt Mable doesn't know about me and Garrett and she's not going to know for now."

Teddy looked at her oddly then shrugged. "You'll have to fill me in on that one later but first, take me to see Aunt Mable. I think it's time that she made my acquaintance once again."

"Again, you've met her before?"

Teddy grimaced. "About fifteen years ago at one of Garrett's birthday parties. She and her late husband attended. We didn't much care for each other."

"Then why do you want to meet her again?" Cora was truly mystified. There really was no need.

"I need to know all the players in the game my dear." She handed her purse and coat to Andie, "Do you have somewhere Andie can wait?"

Cora led the woman across the hall to the living room, where she once again, seemed fascinated by her surroundings. "How old is this place?" she asked as she set her stuff down on a chair.

"It was built in 1888." Cora supplied, she was about to launch into the history when Teddy stopped her by pulling her in the direction of the stairs.

"We have a lot to do today, there's no time for a history lesson now."

Closing the door behind her, Teddy took Cora's arm. "I really am sorry about last night-,"

"It's fine Teddy."

"And today, Garrett meant well when he suggested that I come and meet you. He thought you might like to have someone to go shopping with."

Cora turned to face Teddy. "It's fine Teddy, really." I don't expect your and Garrett's relationship to change.  He's your best friend and its natural that he's going to want to share things about his life with you. And I appreciate that you want to help me. It can't be an easy thing to have me butting into your relationship all of the sudden."

"Easy! It's wonderful!"

"There is just one thing I'm confused by, Andie, why is she here?"

"Oh that, I thought we could start on the renovation, I am an interior designer after all." She caught Cora's anxious look. "Don't worry Garrett says you have to approve everything, but I have a few ideas and before I get them down on paper I want Andie to get some measurements and phots.  I thought she could start on that while we go shopping."

"That hardly seems fair to the poor girl." Cora looked over her shoulder at the closed door with a frown.

Teddy gave her a smile that was almost tender. "Don't worry about Andie, she's a work horse. She keeps me on schedule. I really don't know where I would be without her."

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