Chapter 13

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Garrett had been gone for a week and Cora wasn't sure if she was pleased about it or not. It was a relief to be able to have time to think about his proposal but she also missed him; which surprised her. It all seemed too sudden. Granted, there was nothing better than a common enemy to forge a quick alliance, but what he had offered her was almost too good to be true.  There had to be a catch somewhere. There always was.

The idea of not having to worry about money and having the house properly cared for filled her with such a sense of relief and it made her feel lighter, but what would happen when he tired of her?

It was what had happened with Shane. He had tired of her. He had never claimed that his reason for leaving was the money, he had claimed that it was the fact that she spent too much time taking care of her father and they had grown apart because of it; he had met someone else. The amazing thing was that she hadn't been that upset by his departure, she had felt relieved. It had been one less thing to manage in her life.

To have someone else mange for her would be a welcome change.

Then there was his kiss. She still blushed when she thought about it. As far as kisses went it was the best she had ever had and it was evident that Garrett had had plenty of practice. Enough practice to make the celibate plan a hard concept to grasp. Cora didn't think it would work for very long. He was a flesh and blood man and if she did decide to accept his proposal she would have to be his wife in every way if it was to work between them. The thought both frightened and excited her.

She couldn't help but wonder what a night in Garrett's arms would feel like. She had the feeling that after him every man would pale in comparison. She sighed at the thought and stepped back to admire her handy work.

Her mother had always kept a large bowl of flowers on the hall table, believing that it set the right tone and welcomed guests, not only with a beautiful visual but with a wonderful smell as well. Her mind jumped back to the thought that it would be nice to run the house as it had once been run, and she could do that if she married Garrett.

She stepped forward and adjusted a red rose as the door behind her opened. Startled, she turned to see a weary looking Garrett enter. Roxi, who had been laying under the table, jumped up to greet him, and Cora found herself suddenly frozen with first pleasure and then shock. It felt right. His returning felt right, the house felt like a home again. She was staring at him, her heart about to beat out of her chest, and her thoughts must have been easy for Garrett to read.

"It feels right somehow, my returning, doesn't it?" He sat his briefcase and coat on the chair next to the table before he moved towards her. Cora noted how well his navy suit fit him and the air of authority it gave him. He was used to being in control as he was currently taking control of the situation, using his charming smile to put Cora at ease.

"How is Aunt Mable's nurse working out?"

He had hired a nurse for Aunt Mable which had relieved Cora of having to be her only caretaker. It had been her first taste of freedom in a very long time. Suddenly, she didn't have a strict timetable and she could do fun things like draw and arrange the flowers. It had been bliss.

Cora's eyes narrowed as she realized what he had done.  He had tempted her with what her life would be like if she married him, and he had done it so subtly she hadn't noticed that that was what he was doing.

Garrett grinned at her wary look.

"You planned it well, didn't you?" She didn't need to explain herself, he understood.

"I take it that means that she's doing well and you've had some free time?" He moved a little closer filling her space with his massive body.

She craned her neck back to look up into his eyes. "You look tired Garrett."

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