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Kongpob went to his house next day , but he was still thinking of what p'knott had told him , he knew deep down that P'Arthit would love him till the very end, he was just not ready . He knew that and that's why he never stopped loving him , maybe he yelled at him before but it was not him . Some times he also thought that didn't Arthit not come and talk with him , maybe it was his fault that he behaved badly . There was a time during his pregnancy that he wanted Arthit so desperately that he didn't know what to do , he just use to control himself , because he could never cheat on his P'Arthit . He was really out of control when Arthit denied to go to the doctor for a blood test , because Kongpob was practically begging for his babies life , and it made him very angry , and at that moment he thought maybe Arthit's love was fake.
There was sometimes that he use to enter Arthit's room after Arthit would fall asleep , he use to just watch his the adorable face that he had fallen for , little snores always made kongpob giggle , and Arthit being a person who sleeps like a log didn't even notice the presence of Kongpob in his room.

He went inside the house and saw that Arthit's room's door was was closed , that meant Arthit was inside , not like the other day when he didn't even return .

Kongpob went to his room so that he could pack the rest of the needed things that he needed , at least he didn't have to buy cloths and diapers for his kids as he had gotten so many onesies from his seniors and friends, that the stock would help him for atleast four months , but after he gave birth he would move back to his own apartment because he was troubling prem and Wad.. well he thought and also he was interrupting their sex life , well he could feel it .

Suddenly his phone started ringing it was in his pocket , he got his phone out of his pocket and saw the caller ID it was Kiet , he recieved the call .

" Hello Kiet .. what's up .. why are you calling so early in the morning ?" kong asked , as it was quite early , it was just 8 .

"well .. kong .. I called you today early because i just reacived the report of Arthit's Blood test " Kongpob started Panicking Kiet's voice was a bit different .

"Kiet .. is it something wrong with the blood test ? .. is everything alright ?" Kongpob was about to die out of stress .

"woh Woh .. Kong Breathe .. Breathe .. sorry i forgot you are pregnant .. and well I called you early Because the result is perfectly alright , there is no sign of thalessemia , I wanted to tell you that as soon as i got .. so here it is ." Kongpob was really relived but he was more happy than relieved . Arthit had finally listened to him and gone for a blood test .

"What really Kiet .. oh My god .. thank you so much .. I owe one " Kong was very happy , he just wanted to hug his cute P'Arthit .

"No problem for the prince .. So I'll meet you next week ok .. bie "

"bie" kong hung up the phone as fast as he could . he just wanted to meet his P'Arthit , he then kept the phone on the table and carried the box outside the car so that he could give it to the waiting Prem ,

"Thats it .. P'Prem .. i'll be right back .. you sit in the car .. I'll just meet P'Arthit and come back ." prem obeyed his orders , he was happy to see that kong was smiling , maybe something had happened and thats why he wanted to meet Arthit he thought .


Kongpob walked infront of Arthit's door and before he could turn the door knob he heard Arthit's shrieking voice which startled him . he started knocking the door and turning the door knob but it was locked , he shouted his name .. P'Arthit... open the door .. P'Arthit .. open the door . then Arthit finally opened the door but he just half opened the door and just showing his face , but with a smile .

Seeing that face kongpob couldn't say anything , seeing his smiling face Kongpob smiled himself

" Good morning Kong ,, What's up ?"

" Can I come in P'Arthit ? .. i need to talk to you about something ?" Kongpob's Smile was extending by the every passing second .

"Umm .. no this is my room .. let's go to your room .. and well .. my room is very dirty .. so.. you know.. let's go to your room " Arthit was panting for no reason and he was hurrying with his words , like he would catch a train after he finished with his words.

Kongpob was a bit confused to why Arthit was acting like that but , he still thought of talking to him .

"P'Arthit .. stop being like a child .. let me -"

"Arthit is that your little brother ?? .. "

Kongpob couldn't finish his sentence as because some one spoke from behind the half closed doors . That smile on kongpob's face had vanished , and Arthit closed his eyes and gave up to stop kongpob from opening the door .

What kongpob saw as he pushed the door further, a man was standing beside the bed , in his ruffled hair and just his boxers . Arthit was not even trying to explain himself , he just closed his because he knew very well that he was guilty .

It was so funny that kongpob's smiling face turned into a crying face in a second , he vouldnt believe his eyes . He saw the man standing far behind Arthit and it was not just some friend , because it was clear that he wasn't a friend . If he was Arthit wouldn't act like that . He just looked at Arthit and streamed down his face . What Kong did really took Arthit open his eyes and look at Kong.

Kongpob caught the collar of his T-shirt that he wore hurriedly before opening the door . And then kongpob shouted in his face with hot tears streaming down his face .

"P'Arthit you are such a asshole.. I hate you .. for once I thought you had changed .. I loved you so much that when ever people wanted me to forget you . I didn't.. how could you .. I don't want to see your face ."

He released his collar , Arthit still didn't say a word , he just ran out of the cursed house , as fast as he could with his big belly .


Prem saw a crying kongpob exiting the house while waddling like a penguin .

"Hoi Kong.. what's up .. what happened .. why are you crying .. " Kong was looking at his feet and crying but shaking tremendously, Prem didn't know what to do so he asked again .

"Kong ..what is wrong talk to me .. "

"P'Prem.. let's go .. I don't want to stay here .. I have had enough .. I want to go away.. and never see his face " .. Prem did what he was told.. He first helped the crying kongpob get inside then he himself settled in and started the car , in the whole journey he saw kongpob crying and brushing his belly . He just looked at kongpob every few second and then back to the road , but he was totally clueless to why he was crying .


A/n : babe i love you .. i mean babies .. you are my lifeline .. I'm so glad that I could give you those feels In the last chapter ... after the story ends tell me which chapter was your FAVORITE ok ?? .. and after this story ends d oesnt mean you stop seeing me .. cuz as soon as it finishes I will start with my new story .. so yeah meet me their . And I'm so happy to read all those comments to the last chapter .. believe me all the comment .. but I didn't know what to say

Thanking you

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