Shifting Left and Right!!

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I ran to the Snowdin forest, shifting into my wolf, howling.

I seemed to be when they were giving up because Sans sat up at his stand. I shifted back and dashed in a different location. I wanted him to know the non-wolf me without knowing I was the wolf. I brushed off my sweater.

"Hi." I greeted, walking up to his stand.

"Hello." He said lazily. He looked up. "Hey, aren't you the lady that ran into Papyrus at the MTT Resort?" He asked.

"Yeah." I blushed a bit. Stupid mistakes...

"Well, I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton." He greeted.

"I'm Y/N. F/N, L/N."

"Nice to meet ya." He held out his hand. When I grabbed it to shake it, a fart sound played. I let go in alarm.

"Heh. Whoopee-Cushion in the hand!" He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Cute." I crossed my arms.

"So I heard you were from the forest?" He tilted his head. I nodded. That was kinda cute. He was like a confused puppy.

"It's a little rough, with a few lone wolves and packs." I shrugged.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, They're mostly kind though." 

"Mostly?" He raised a "brow", concerned.

"Yep." I pulled my (weak arm side) sleeve up. There was a deep scar.

"Oh." He replied. I chuckled a bit, getting nervous.

"Sooo... Mettaton set you up?"  He asked, checking out my clothes. I blushed.

"Yeah! Thanks for noticing!" I shrugged.

"No prob. You look pretty in (F/C)." He grinned a bit. I became beet red.

"I-I am?" I blushed. He nods, a slight blue dusting his cheeks.

"Th-thank you!" I gushed, covering my cheeks. It fell silent.

"Welp, see ya. My shift's over." He shrugged, getting up.

"Ok, bye." I waved, my stomach full of butterflies. Sans left, out of sight. When I ran to catch up, he was gone.

"Huh." I tilted my head. I ran into the trees, going into my wolf form, and ran to their house. I pawed the door. Sans opened it. How did he get home so quickly?

"P/N!!" He picked me up, and instantly regretted it, falling over. I rolled over.

"P/N!!!!" Papyrus exclaimed excitedly. Frisk bounded down the stairs happily, beaming. I smiled, my tail wagging.

They started letting me outside, and I slipped out during Sans's shift to talk to him.

After a week, we started becoming friends, and  maybe we could be...


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