Chapter Five

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I'm so sleepy but so warm. I lift my head to see Daniel's bed. He has the blankets over my head, so it is quite warm. Daniel lives in the apartments next to campus, so I stayed there overnight. I stumble from the bed to the kitchen. That smeelll!!

"Morning sleepy head" He whispers kissing my head.

"What time is it?"

"I was just messing with you. It's only six. You don't have art until noon, right love?"

"Mhmm." I sleepily hum.

"He better not touch you." Daniel states cutely ferocious. I giggle. "I'm serriousss" He whines.

"Whatcha making, baby?"

"Monkey Bread with cream cheese in the middle."

"Ooooooo!!" I yell, he laughs.

He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer facing him. He lifts my chin and brings our lips close. "How'd I get so lucky?" He whispers. He gently kisses my lips. When we pull away, I bury my head in his chest. 'I love him. This is just so right.'

The oven rings through the apartment. "Daaanieeell" I whine as Daniel leaves my side to take the food out of the oven. He laughs.

"Oh my goodness. You're crazy."

"Good." I pout but he reaches over and kisses me making me giggle.

"Here you go, love."

"Thank yooouu!" I exclaim. Daniel is going to be a chef once he gets out of college. He's such a good cook, and he loves it.

"I have practice at 2 o'clock today. Do you just want to meet at the pool?"

"Hm. Yea I can just meet you today. How come it's so much earlier?" 'Please tell me it's not what I think it is'

"Well... he's the captain so he called it earlier because it's his birthday." 'I knew it'


"You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"It's not like I'm going for him. I'm going for you so of course I want to."

"Awe, You're cute." I giggle.

Daniel and I just cuddled and talked most of the morning. I'm walking into art class right now. "Good morning Kaela! I got your email last week. Thank you for that email to let me know." My art professor calls.

"Good morning. Of course, it was no problem."

"Morning Kaela. Are you planning on acknowledging me today?"

"Haven't decided."

"I bet you know what today is."


"Are you going to practice with Daniel today?"


"Good. I have a surprise for you two."

"If it's the video from high school I don't care anymore."

"Ooh. He makes you confident, doesn't he?"


"Alright you guys! We are just going to work on your portfolios today. I'm going to talk to individuals to tell you what you need and what you are good on."

"What do you have to work on?"

"Calligraph... why are you talking to me?"

"Well because. If it's my birthday, my wish is to talk to you."

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