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The young lady made her way to stand proudly beside her master. Now that she gained the Lich's power, Y/n became less herself. After being captured and controlled by Lich, she grew strong. Her eyes completely turned dark purple, preventing her from regaining her composure. She grew wings of darkness and received a power to control the innocents with her mind.

Lich's army is composed of his controlled members including a wild bear, a snail, an elephant, a pig, mutated scientists, his second apprentice, and Y/n. Knowing nothing about Jane's whereabouts, the Lich mistook Y/n as Jane. Y/n didn't know anything. She was captured and controlled without having the chance to call for help.

"Are you ready to heir my throne?" Lich creepily smirked, gesturing his next-to-be-queen to look over his territory for unexpected arrivals.

"Yes, master." She held the Scepter of Dusk that was bound with her black feathers and a red flare in the center. "I'll make sure to lend a visitor's soul to you once they enter our den."


As the helicopter made its way to soar through the sky's twilight, their faces remained doleful of the fact that their friend disappeared without saying a word. Finn still felt the hope to save the girl when they arrive there. He knew that nothing will come out of feeling anxious most of the time. He still looked at the bright side to reassure himself and his friends.

Finn was a good partner to her. Both he and Y/n complimented each other. She was the reason why Finn slowly opens up for her to build a good relationship with a human-like him. 

"We're here."

Finn led his friends towards the presumed vicinity. When they finally reached the entrance to the cave, an enormous area greeted them. The ceiling had spiked stones, the center had a lava pit and there were thousands of staircases in every corner.

"Is this a cave?" Jake stretched through the very end where the staircases are located. "This must be it!" the stretchable yellow dog shapeshifted into an arrow, pointing at the stairway. 

However, a flock of bats surrounded their way, interrupting their urge to reach the top. Marceline shapeshifted into a giant vampire, Jake enlarged his hand into a ball of fist then Princess Bubblegum distracted the bats with her flashlight. Finn slashed most of the flying creatures, causing them to poof and disappear into dust.

Princess Bubblegum lighted the last bat to disappear. Finn returns his sword from his back then whispered, "Do the staircases lead to the stages of the battlegrounds?"

Jake hummed, "Probably."

When they've reached an elongated hallway from the corner, a group of tall mirrors adorned their view. Some mirrors are circular, huge, small, and dominant but the others are shaped in strange curves and polygons.

"Was this the Vanity of something that the phoenix told us back there?" Marceline muttered but no one from them remembers what the phoenix told them. Jake and the others stared at their reflection while making funny faces but as for Finn, he only remembered Y/n and her urge to hurt herself with the mirror's shards. 

Unbeknownst to him, the mirror creates illusions depending on how the visitors project their thoughts and feelings in front of it. 

"Finn?" A familiar voice was heard. Finn immediately glances back to see Y/n wearing an almost revealing outfit. She wore a sleeveless thin dress, complimenting her soft curls. She cat-walks near Finn, confused and hypnotized by her unusual movements.

The spirit began gesturing him to come closer to complete the binding of commitment with their lips. 


"Finn~" gestures another Y/n illusion until another filled his peripheral vision. The Y/n that he sees are all clones to be exact. These fake Y/n clones are all demons. Their faces had four eyes and their body are somehow had the shape of a humanoid alien with a tail.

These demons suck the souls of their visitors by seducing and hypnotizing them in a confusing trance.

"FINN! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Jake pulls him away from the monsters but his eyes stayed hypnotized. The monsters kept crawling next to Finn until Princess Bubblegum's watch alarmed. They rattled in irritation, each eye turning white every time the watch resounded in the cave. Finn went back to normal and the monsters that slowly crawled are almost near him.

"How come I was the only one being hypnotized?" He started slashing their heads, kicking their body and stabbing their eyes as they squirm in pain, their faces all covered with black liquid before disappearing into a pile of ashes. Finn jumped out of the clones' ashes, charging his sword to a powerful attack, slicing each one of the bats constantly that brought them to poof once again.

"Are you guys okay?"

"'Ya think?" Marceline dusted the bat's dirt from her head that was blown to Princess Bubblegum, making her sneeze from it.

"Am I the only one hypnotized?" Princess Bubblegum immediately interrupted, "Yes. I have observed that when we started fooling around and you were wondering, the monsters attacked you in your vulnerable state. The monsters continued crawling up to you like a creep." She shook disgustingly.

"The mirrors detect one's mood. If you're upset, the monsters will ambush."

Just as they noticed how deep the stairs are leading, they've decided to search for another route. Unfortunately, the lava under them started elevating from its pit, stopping them from escaping the underground cave. 

Jake stretched into a sign, waving his body to signal the others, "Look here!" they diverted their gaze at the small opening from the corner where torches guided another staircase that led upwards. They walked through its dimmed narrow space that was shaped like a tower. They entered a short hallway decorated with torches at the ceiling to illuminate the entrance only. 

"Hello?" Finn spoke.

The cave became dim but if it wasn't for the torches that illuminated their way, it would be completely dark. If you're from a bright area, you wouldn't be able to see a figure from the dark and when you came from the dim, you can only recognize the brightest area.

Finn told Princess Bubblegum to turn on her screen light, however, she didn't respond—even the noises that Finn assumed from the others could not be heard. "Jake? Pb? Marcy?"

The courageous human boy could only hear his echoed voice yet strange mouth noises were heard from the background. "Show yourself!" he yelled at the figure in front.

Flabbergastingly, everything that he cannot perceive turned visible. The whole place became enlightened by lights. The torches from the corners were lighted, especially the chandelier from above. When he finally looked back to search for his friends, they helplessly tried escaping their cages. A cloth-covered their mouths and a rope encircled their arms in a tight grasp.

What's happening? Finn thought.


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