A Riptide of Danger

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The POVs may change from now on, as I want to get a sense of the world apart from where Serena is. When it isn't her POV, everything will be in bold. When I'm putting author's notes it will be in bold and italics. Serena's POV will be normal.

In London, England...

"Lost again," Twysden Beckwith, also known as Beck looked somewhat amused.

Robert sighed and pulled himself up.

"You've been distracted, lately, Rob." He said. The two friends had been fencing.

Robert sighed again. "It's that girl, the one I met in that gala," he cast his eyes heavenwards, not caring if a seemingly very stupid grin graced his face. "I haven't been able to keep my mind off of her, for the past week since I've met her!" He had a very stupid, longing, desperate, and hopelessly, deeply in love look on his face, he knew.

"Well, considering that you've never really lost to me, as much as I hate to admit it, until you've met that girl, should I be concerned?" He asked teasingly, "Aww, is ickle, itty- bitty Robert, Prince Charming, stealer of a thousand hearts in love?" He taunted him.

Robert rolled his eyes. He found that he couldn't care less that Beck was teasing him. He was too obsessed with Serena, that girl he met on the beach- to even get irritated at Beck's attempts to rile him up.

"Shut up, you old geezer," he muttered. "If you've ever been in love, you'd know."

"Does it make me as crazy as this?" Beck asked incredulously. "You not only lost to me repeatedly since we began, you've been caught daydreaming-" he snorted "Several times this past week, you barely look at all there, you're desperate to get away from your royal engagements and you barely tolerate them, and even your parents know that something's up." Robert sighed. "Come on, Rob. Admit it. You fancy the girl. Wait, no, I take it back. You're madly in love with her." Beck smirked, knowingly.

Robert turned his eyes away.

"I mean you've only met her once last week," Beck continued. "And you don't even know where she lives, who she is and whether you'll see her again." He looked at Robert in disbelief. "Should I be concerned?"

Robert sighed. "As a matter of fact, I do know who she is. Her name is Serena, she's an Ocean and Sea Activist, and the daughter of an Italian duke from Venice, as for her whereabouts, I don't have the faintest idea," he admitted, grudgingly, throwing his rapier down. "Or whether I'll see her again. Or when." He said suddenly sullen.

Beck looked pityingly.

Robert shook his head. "What can I say, I can't stop thinking about her."

"Thinking about who?" A teasing voice sounded from behind them.

It was his younger brother, golden-haired Prince Liam with the mischievous smile and dimpled grin. Robert rolled his eyes. "No one you should be concerned about."

"Nope, no, come on, tell me." Liam's grin shone brightly. "I won't laugh."

Robert snorted. "Yeah and Cyrus isn't into ties with patterns on them."

Liam looked more amused. He turned to Beck. "What's he on about? This past week he hasn't been concentrating or focusing on anything. I've managed to beat him in darts and pool and he's never been beaten once. Same with boxing."

"Same," Beck drawled. "Well it seems that finally, Prince Robbie here has fallen in love."

"No way!" Liam turned to Robert in amazement. He laughed out loud. "No way, you've fallen for someone!" Robert rolled his eyes. "You've got a crush? On a girl?"

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