Please Don't Leave...-Part 6

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A/N: MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR SELF-HARM!!!!! If you are in any way upset by, triggered by, or offended by Self-Harm, please DO NOT READ!!!
If you are struggling with Self-Harm, please know that you are NOT alone. You are loved and wanted. You are so important. If you want to, please do not hesitate to message me. I love you guys. <3
Also there's a lot of swearing.

Extra Warning: This part is kinda intense, and will include a lot of swearing. It's also gonna get gory...Heh...This one starts off with Jack and Ethan texting. I'll put the name letters at the start like I did between Tyler and Ethan so y'all know who's talking okay? ( J= Jack and E= Ethan.) Okay!

J: Hey Ethan. Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.
E: Hi. I'm doing better. Thanks.
J: I'm really sorry about yesterday...Mark and I feel terrible for fucking up your sketch thing.
E: it's totally fine!! Um. What was wrong though?
J: It's kinda complicated. I've been going through some stuff lately, and it causes riffs between mark and me sometimes. But we were way outta line yelling at you yesterday.
E: Aw I'm sorry! Is there anything Ty or I can do?
J: Not really. There isn't anything anyone can do.
J: I shouldn't have said that...I'm fine! Trust me. Just drama.
E: ...
J: I'm fine Ethan.
E: I know what it looks like when someone's not okay, man. You can tell me. What's up?
J: it's nothing. Really. I'm just over dramatic.
E: If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know, okay?
J: I will. How's Tyler doing? He was really worried about you yesterday.
E: he's fine. Don't change the subject.
J: I'm changing the subject because I'm fine. I shouldn't have even mentioned anything was wrong.
E: I mean it was really obvious something was wrong between you two. You were screaming at each other right in front of me. I may have blanked out in the panic but I remember that much.
J: we're really sorry it made you upset Ethan, but we're fine.
E: but You aren't...
J: I gotta go.
E: Jack don't do that.
J: I'm not doing anything. Mark needs help with something and I need to focus. I gotta go. I'm glad you and Tyler are feeling better.
E: fine. I'll talk to you later.
J: Thanks, sorry to rush out. And I didn't mean to worry you. Everything's fine, really. I'm just a big baby and I get stressed out easily. Stuff was happening with one of my sisters and it freaked me out. That's all.
E: Okay. It's fine. Just let us know if we can help cheer you up! See you later.
J: Bye.

Jack sighed and tossed his phone on the floor away from his bed. It hit the ground with a thud, making Mark stir next to him. Jack ran his hand through his hair. He hated lying to Ethan, but what else was he supposed to do? Mark knowing he was fucked up was quite enough. Jack's mind was racing, and his thoughts started going places he didn't want them to. Jack turned his head carefully to look at Mark. Mark was fast asleep and snoring, his back facing Jack. Jack turned on his side facing away from Mark at the door. He quietly, almost moving in slow motion, moved the covers off of himself. He could feel a lump forming in his throat. He had to move fast. Jack swung his legs out from under the covers. He carefully stood up, and turned back. Mark was still asleep. Jack tiptoed to the bedroom door, picking up his cell phone along the way, and sidled out into the hallway. He let out a sigh of relief. Jack was shaking already, and he felt the tears swimming in his eyes. Jack walked down the stairs and out to the couch. He sat down and immediately buried his face in one of the pillows and started crying. He pinched his eyes shut tightly and pressed the pillow against his face, trying hard to keep quiet.

After he'd been crying for about twenty minutes, Jack felt his cell phone ring in his sweatpants pocket. Jack took a deep breath, trying to stifle his sobs and grabbed his phone. It was Ethan. Jack knew that if he didn't answer, Ethan would just keep calling. Or worse, he'd call Mark... But if he answered, Ethan would hear that he was crying and get worried. The confusion choked Jack up even more. His racing thoughts drove more tears down his cheeks. Jack sniffled, and took another deep breath. He cleared his throat, and answered the phone.

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