Cancelled-Part 5

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A/N: MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR SELF-HARM!!!!! If you are in any way upset by, triggered by, or offended by Self-Harm, please DO NOT READ!!!
If you are struggling with Self-Harm, please know that you are NOT alone. You are loved and wanted. You are so important. If you want to, please do not hesitate to message me. I love you guys. <3
Also there's a lot of swearing.

"You're up early." Mark said as he walked around the kitchen island and kissed Jack on the cheek. Jack smiled. Mark noticed that he was quiet. "You okay?" He asked nervously, stopping. Jack nodded. "I leave tomorrow." He said quietly. Mark frowned. "You're not leaving..." He said matter-of-factly. "I've been here a week Mark. I don't have any more videos prepared." Jack said. "Oh well." Mark shrugged. He went back to the fridge and got out some leftover pizza. "What do you mean 'oh well'? I can't just stay here." Jack said. "Well you're not leaving." Mark stated. "Want some?" He offered, gesturing to the pizza box. "Mark-Stop. I have to go. I need to get back to record more videos." Jack said, walking around to stand in front of Mark. "Jack you're not going back there alone." Mark said. "Yes I am!" Jack said, feeling himself getting worked up. "Damn it no you're not!!" Mark yelled, looking at Jack. Jack closed his mouth. Mark sighed. "I'm not doing this. It's too early. Do you want pizza or not?" He asked. Jack hesitated. "Fine. If you want it, it's here." Mark grabbed his plate and left the kitchen abruptly. Jack sighed. He'd ruined the day, and it wasn't even noon yet.

The boys say on the couch. Neither had said a word in over an hour. Finally, Mark was sick of the silence. "Hey. Tyler and Ethan wanted to get together with us and film a short sketch for Ethan's channel. You in?" He asked. Jack swallowed. "Yeah. When?" He asked. "Around four." Mark said plainly. Jack nodded. "Cool." He said. They were back to being silent. Mark texted Tyler letting him know that the sketch was a go from them.

Le Time Skip cause Yolo

"Hey guys!" Ethan said cheerfully. Mark and Jack got out of Mark's car and greeted the younger YouTuber. "Tyler with you?" Mark asked. "No I think he's already at the studio." Ethan informed them. Mark and Jack avoided eye-contact as they got back in the car. "Sorry we're so late." Jack said, emphasizing the last word while glaring in Mark's direction. "Someone didn't pay attention to the time..." Ethan laughed, but it was a bit forced because Jack sounded genuinely upset with Mark. "It's okie!" Ethan said. Mark rolled his eyes. "Yeah." He said harshly. He drove off.

The car ride was almost silent. Apart from catching up with Jack, the couple in front hardly spoke. Ethan texted Tyler the whole way.
E: I think something's wrong with Jack and Mark. They're hardly talking at all.
T: This should be fun...
E: I'm serious. Maybe this was a bad idea.
T: It's gonna be fine E. Trust me. <3
E: Okay...<3

"Tyler said our room is on the fifth floor." Ethan said, re-reading the text Tyler had sent him. "Cool." Mark said, trying to sound enthusiastic. (A/N: Tyler and Ethan are dating in this!!! Just a heads up.) The three boys headed in to large office building. They got into the elevator and Mark pressed 4th floor. As they rode the elevator, Ethan broke the silence. "So how are you liking L.A.?" Jack was staring at the ground. "J-Jack?" Ethan said. "Hmm? Oh, sorry. Uh, yeah I love it! It's really hot here though." Jack said, faking a polite smile. Ethan nodded. "Yeah, that's L.A. for ya." He laughed.

Out of nowhere, the elevator jerked to a stop. The boys looked around. "Oh great. Fucking great..." Mark said with an exasperated sigh. "This is your fault you know." Jack said, crossing his arms. "My fault?!" Mark said loudly. "W-Why did we stop..." Ethan asked in a small voice. But neither Mark or Jack heard him. "Yes it's your fault!! If you hadn't made us late we would've been here already!!" Jack yelled. "Oh that is such horse shit!" Mark yelled back.

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