Chapter 3- 4th Place

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Shaun's POV

I made it to the final!!! I'm so happy, it's almost my turn to go, I'm actually pretty nervous knowing Kenna will be watching. I have feelings for her but I know for a fact she doesn't like me back, I guess maybe she was meant to crash into me, maybe it's fate? I honestly don't know but whatever it is I'm happy it happened. I get pulled out of my thoughts when my coach Bud says "Shaun it's your turn"

In my opinion I'm doing great but the half pipe is horribly built! My board keeps flapping up and it's really annoying me, I really just want to get this done and over with honestly. It's the end of my run and I scored..... A 90.25!!! But wait that puts me in 4th, I didn't medal, I didn't three peat. I feel like a fool

I call Kenna as soon as I can

"Hey Shaun, I saw. Don't beat yourself up ok, you're still a god on the pipe" she says "Kenna you don't understand! I didn't medal, I'm in 4th! I let everyone down, the team, you and myself" I say "Shaunie you didn't let anyone down, especially not me, I'm so so proud of you it's not funny ok, youre still an Olympian, you a idol to kids, listen to me, you do not I repeat do not! Need a gold medal to prove youre an outstanding snowboarder, who cares if you didn't medal? You still rode your heart out and that's what matters at the end of the day not a medal but how good you performed" she says "I guess youre right, I just feel bummed out I didn't win, I worked so hard for this Ken" I say tearing up "I know Shaun and so do your fans, there's always x games and 2018 right?" She says "why do you know all the right things to say Kenna?" I ask chuckling "I don't know Shaun I don't know ahah, but hey I gotta go it's almost 3 am ill text you tomorrow, I miss you Shaun" she says "I miss you too, I'll be home before you know it ken" I say "it better be soon lol bye Shaun" she says hanging up " I love you" I say after she hung up... Only if she knew how I felt

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