Chapter 15

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Riley’s P.O.V.

“I don’t know where to start.” Ryan sighs. Currently we’re in the woods at one of my secret hide outs. You know the one, the one behind the school.  Jake and I are sitting next to each other, while Ryan is sitting across from us.

“How about from the beginning?” I offer. Ryan sighs again.

“Okay, when I got Sarah pregnant, I just kind of freaked out. I was only 17 for crying out loud. I didn’t want a child at that age, but I knew I couldn’t just get rid of it. So I stood by Sarah, even though Mom and Dad didn’t like it. They thought that it was a disgrace and that we should have gotten an abortion. You know how totally against abortion I am, so I did the only thing I could and left. I know I promised you guys that I would keep in contact, and I want you to know that I did try. I tried calling you guys every day, but Mom, Dad, or even one of the house servants would pick up the phone and say I couldn’t speak with you guys. I tried pleading with Mom and Dad, but they wouldn’t budge. I tried to pay off the house servants, but they were under strict orders to not let me speak with either one of you. I also tried to email you, but I guess you never got those either. I even came over to the house one day, but you guys weren’t there.  And when I asked when you would be home, they said that you moved. At first I was confused, because Mom and Dad kept coming back to the house, so I went up to Mom and Dad and asked them where y’all were. They told me that they had moved you guys far away from the house and that I would never find you guys.  I tried to find you guys for three years, with no hope. After that, I just kind of gave up. I started to focus more on my family, and hope that one day I would be reunited with you guys. Then one day, about a month ago, I read a newspaper article, and it was about you Riley” Ryan says and looks at me. “It said that you attended school here and that you were being awarded some scholarship for having the best grades at this school. I decided right then that I would come and see you guys, and I figured since it was close to your birthday that I would just visit you guys then. So that’s my story, and I’m so sorry you guys.” Ryan finishes and then breaks down into tears. I know I have tears running down my face by the wetness I feel. I turn to look at Jake and see that he’s in tears too. Jake looks at me and we make eye contact, Jake gives me a short nod and I know what that means. We both turn back to Ryan.

“We forgive you.” Jake and I say at the same time. Ryan’s head shoots up to look at us.

“Y-you do?” Ryan asks.

“We do, after all you did try to keep your promise.” I say and Jake nods in agreement. “Besides it was entirely Mom and Dad’s fault, if it wasn’t for them, then you would have kept your promise.”

“Thank you both, you have no idea how happy I am to have my little sister and little brother back.” Ryan says and puts one arm around both mine and Jake’s shoulders hugging us. We hug him back, and we stay like that for a little while just happy to all be back together again.

“So how’s Sarah and the baby, and what all have we missed?” I ask Ryan once we all pull away from the hug.

“Ketchup time?” Ryan asks.

“Yep” Jake and I say at the same time popping the ‘p’.

“They’re good.” Ryan says.

“Oh come on man, you know we need more details then that.” Jake says which causes Ryan to laugh.

“You’ll meet them later, and find out everything then.” Ryan says.

“Can we at least know your child’s name and if it is a boy or a girl?” I ask.

“It’s a girl, and her name is Alice. She’s really the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. She’s so full of life, and smart. Man, the questions that girl asks will blow you away.” Ryan says proudly and with a proud expression on his face.

“I can’t wait to meet my niece then.” I say.

“Me either.” Jake says.

“So what’s been going on with you guys?” Ryan asks.

“Nothing much, just normal teenage stuff.” Jake says.

“What no girlfriend?” Ryan asks.

“Nope, I’m a free bird. Watch me spread my wings and fly.” Jake says and we all crack up at that.

“So what about you Riley?” Ryan asks as soon as we’ve all stopped laughing and calmed down.

“Actually, I do have a boyfriend.” I say, and Ryan’s eyebrows raise and a smirk forms on his face. Oh, no, no, no, no. I know that look anywhere. “Ryan don’t”

“Oh come on sis, I won’t hurt him. I just want to talk to him.” Ryan says.

“Too late, I already beat you too it.” Jake says smugly.

“Well, then he’ll just have to have two talks then, won’t he?” Ryan says devilishly and with a smirk.

“Oh no, he doesn’t” I say. Jake looks at me and gives me a smirk. Oh no, he wouldn’t.

“Come on Ry, he’s my roommate and chances are he’s in our room.” Jake says smugly. Of course he would. In two seconds flat they’re on their feet and running towards the dorms. I hop up just as quickly, and run after them.

“Guys no! Get your asses back here!” I yell.

“Sorry no can do, Riley.” Ryan yells over his shoulder. We run straight out of the woods and lord and behold guess who’s standing outside the dorms. Yep, you guessed it, Toby.

“TOBY, RUN!!!” I shout. Toby looks up at the sound of my voice and when he sees me and both of my brothers running at him, his eyes go wide. “TOBY DON’T STAND THERE, RUN!!!” I shout again, and he takes off running. Thank God. Uh oh, spoke, well thought, to soon, because now Ryan and Jake are running faster. I stop and look to see they’re headed to the car park. Yes! I think to myself. I quickly run in to the dorms and up to my room, I grab my car keys, and run back out towards the car park. Once I spot my car, I run up to it, get in, and start it. I then search the car park for Toby. I find him at the other end of the car park with my brothers hot on his tail. I quickly drive over to him. “Toby, get in!” I yell once I pull the car next to him. He jumps in and I drive off before my brothers can even touch the car. I drive out of the car park and down the road towards mine and Jake’s house. What I know they know that’s where I’m going, I just wanted time to warn Toby, and also tell him about Ryan being my brother and all.

“What the hell was that all about?” Toby asks once he gets his breathing back to normal.

“Well, you see, um… How do I explain this?” I say. “Okay, well you know Jake’s my younger brother.” Toby nods his head and I continue. “Well, the other guy that was chasing you was my older brother, Ryan.”

“Since when do you have an older brother?”

“Since forever, just some things happened, and I haven’t seen or heard from him since I was thirteen.”

“Why?” Toby asks and I begin the long story on the long drive to the house.

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