Chapter 2

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Toby’s P.O.V.

John, Jessica, Tina, and I all walk into the main building, so that we can get our dorm room numbers and keys. We walk through the doors to see a lot of students going every different way. I look around the building to see it’s not any different from any other school, well except for the fact it’s three stories high. Gez, that’s a lot of classrooms.

“WOW! Who’s that?” John asks. I follow his gaze to a very hot girl.

“Oh! That’s Amanda Ferrari, aka the hottest, most popular girl in school.” Tina says. Of course she would know that.

“Um, how do you know that?” John asks.

“I know who all the popular people are.” Tina answers.

“Yeah, but how?” John asks still confused.

“Because Tina here knows everything thanks to social media.” I say before Tina can say some smart comment.

“Ooooh” He says dragging out the ‘o’. “So who’s the nerd next to her?”

“That’s Amanda’s best friend Riley Hope. They’ve been best friends since freshman year.” Tina says.

“You have got to be kidding me! How are they best friends?” John asks

“They got put in a dorm room together freshman year and found out they had a lot of things in common.” Tina says.

“What would they have in common? I mean Riley’s a total nerd and Amanda is popular. They look like total opposites.” John asks.

“I don’t really know. I’m not some creepy starker!” Tina says getting frustrated.

“REALLY!? Because you seem like one, Miss. I-know-everything-about-everyone!” John yells causing people to stop and stare.

“I don’t know everything about everyone, Mr. I’m-to-good-for-anyone!” Tina retaliates. I decide then it’s a good time to stop them, but before I can Jessica starts yelling.

“WOULD YOU TWO PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!? God, I knew you two had a thing that ended badly over the summer, but you don’t need to make a scene in front of the whole school!” Jessica yells. It takes a few minutes to process what she says.

“Wait, you two had a thing over the summer?” I ask both Tina and John. They just stand in silence. I take that as a yes. “And why didn’t I know about this?”

“Because we didn’t know how to tell you.” John says.

“And because we we’re afraid of your reaction, but it doesn’t matter now. We broke up at the end of the summer.” Tina says with a disappointed look on her face as she says the last part. John notices the look of disappointment on her face too.

“You know what, save it. I don’t need to hear any more of this, and neither does this whole damn school.” I say and walk away. It takes me about ten minutes to get to the office to pick up my schedule and room key, due to the whole freakin school being in a huge crowd around Jessica, John, Tina, and I trying to see what all the drama was.

I finally get my schedule and room key. I make my way to the boys’ dorms, which just so happen to be next to the girls’ dorms. I finally get there; the dorms were on the other side of the school, and walk in. When I walk in I see that it’s a four story building, and has stairs and an elevator. I quickly look back at the room number listed on the key. Room 4B, oh great, I’m on the top floor. Ugh I hate the top floor! I quickly get in the elevator and ride it up to the 4th floor. I get out finding that the alphabet letters on the door are backwards from the elevator, meaning that instead of it starting with A it starts with Z. I walk all the way down the hall until I get to the second to the last door. I walk inside to see that someone else got here before me. I put my backpack, which I forgot I even had, down on the unclaimed bed. I go to leave the room to go get the rest of my stuff from my car, but before I reach the door someone comes in. It’s a boy with short dark brunette hair, blue eyes, and looks to have some Mexican in him.

My Best Friend's the Hottest Girl in SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now