Chapter 5

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Riley's P.O.V.

By the time the bell rings signaling school is over I'm freaking out. Clam down, Riley. You don't have to tell him anything too personal. Just tell him what you want him to know. The project is for you to get to know the person, not find out their secrets. I keep telling myself all the way to the dorms and by the time I get there, I've completely calmed down.

When I get to the dorms, I notice Toby isn't here yet. So I decide to put my stuff up in my room, except for a pen and paper so I can take notes. After I've put my stuff away and have my pen and paper, I walk back outside to meet Toby. A few minutes later, he finally shows up.

"Hey, what took you so long? It's been thirty minutes since the bell rang." I ask

"Hey, yeah, sorry about that; my teacher held me after to make sure I had everything." He says.

"Oh, okay, ready to go?"


Toby's P.O.V.

"Yeah" I say.

"Alright, then follow me." She says and I follow her. She takes me to the woods behind the school.

"Uh, you're not planning on killing me, right?" I ask unsure.

"No, god no, I can't stand death." She says. "Now come on." She walks into the woods. We walk for about ten minutes until we come to an area that has a beautiful little pond with trees surrounding it in a circle and the sun shining down through the trees tops.

"Wow! What is this place?" I ask.

"I come here when I need to get away from everything."

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need to get away from everything?"

"So that I can just clear my head and relax for a bit before I get back to the hustle and bustle of school. Out here it just so calm." She says, but I can tell there's more to the story than what she's telling me.

"Oh, well, that makes since. So should we start?"

"Yeah" She says and sits down on the ground. "Come on, I don't bite." She pats the ground next to her when I don't move. I decide I might as well sit down on the ground next to her, so I walk over to her and sit down.

"So who's first?" I ask unsure if she wants to go first or for me to go first.

"You can go first. You can ask me anything, but I can't promise you'll get an answer."

"Okay, what's your full name?" I'll start with easy questions and ask harder questions as time goes by.

"Riley Jade Hope"

"Pretty, age?"



"March 4th"

"Any siblings other than Jake?"

"Yes" She says with a look mixed the sadness and anger. I decide not to question her about it.

"Okay, favorite color?"

"Purple. Um, are you going to write any of this down?"

"Hey! I'm asking the questions here, but no I'm not. I don't need to. I can remember everything."

"Okay, it's your fault if you fail, because you couldn't remember what I said."

"Don't worry I won't forget."

"Sure you won't"

"Whatever, can we please just get back to the questions?"

"Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Alright, favorite food?"

"Chicken, but my favorite type of food is Chinese. My favorite home cooked meal is chicken pot pie."

"Okay, favorite number?"


"Favorite type of music?"


"Favorite snack?"


"Favorite movie?"

"A Walk to Remember"

"Favorite song?"

"Diana by One Direction"



"Favorite animal?"


"Food you hate?"


"Favorite type of movie?"

"Romance, and f.y.i. I hate horror movies."


"Cuz I get scared easily"

"Really?" I say with a smirk on my face. Don't worry she notices it.

"Oh, no, now you're going to use that against me aren't you?"

"Maybe, favorite sport?"

"Don't have one."

"Weirdest thing you ever ate, but liked?"

"Pig ears"


"Yep, they're really good; especially the way my granddaddy used to make them. They're spicy, and crunchy."

"Okay, yuck. Single or dating someone?"


"How many ex-boyfriends?" I ask and notice her look down with a sad expression on her face.

"None" She says sadly after a few minutes pass.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know."

"And that's why you asked, its fine don't worry about it."

"Okay, first kiss?" I'm a little scared to ask this, but I have to know. Don't ask why, I just do, okay. I look over at her and notice she has an embarrassed look on her face.

"Uh, haven't had that yet, and before you ask yes, I am a virgin." She says embarrassed.

"Wow! I did not see that coming."


"Because you're so pretty, and from what I know so far, you're a really nice person." I say and she blushes.

"Thanks, but once you really get to know me, you'll find out I have a really boring personality."

"Come on, nobody has a boring personality."

"Oh trust me, I do."

"Sure, you do." I say sarcastically.

"Whatever, can we get back to quizzing me now? It's already five-thirty, and we have to be back at the dorms in an hour for dinner."

"Sure, last question, and then we can go. Why did you choose to go to this school out of all the high schools?"

"Um, no answer."


"I thought you said that was the last question?"

"I did, but you didn't answer it, so I asked another one."

"Look, Toby that question's just a little too personal to answer, okay."


"Oh, and don't even think to ask my brother, because he has a different reason than I do. Besides he doesn't even know the real reason I came here."

"Why can't you tell him?"

"Because there are some things he just doesn't need to know. Now, come on. We better be getting back now. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be in the woods at night." She says and gets up. I follow and we make our way back to the dorms by six forty-five, only fifteen minutes late.

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