I need you.

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I try to be honest and you get mad. I was just trying to let you know how I feel. You're impossible to please. I'm not superhuman. I'm fragile. I'm trying to please you, but I can't. I feel like I'm not even living life, it's all just doing what you want me to. You haven't asked about my emotional health. I'm depressed. I hate life. I have hurt myself and I have many issues. This last week I have felt like shit. Physically and mentally. You'd think a dad would be able to tell if something was wrong with his daughter, but you can't. If anything's wrong then it's just PMS or me being a dramatic kid. My life isn't full of sunshine and roses. You can't hold me to the standard that you hold yourself. I'm not you. I try. That's all that should matter. Love me the way I am. Please just love me unconditionally the way you used to. I'm sorry if I don't do everything I'm supposed to. You can get mad at it, but you need to understand that you don't either. Where's my father? Why do I only see him a few times a week? I feel like you aren't trying to have a relationship here. I need a father and a home. This house is Hell. I don't like coming home just like you don't. It hurts me just like it hurts you. Why haven't you asked me about it? Why aren't you helping me? Ever since the divorce I have not been okay. I have hidden my pain for way too long. I'm tired and broken and I can't keep doing this. I need you dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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