Pep Talk

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This is different than most of my writing...this isn't depressing. I ask that you read it and really consider what I am saying. Thank you so much for reading.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
I am one who cares too much about what people think about me. I am trying to fix it, but it is hard. I know a lot of you feel the same way. With this society and it's expectations, it is difficult to be confident in yourself. I am here to tell you that you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. I do not want you to change. You do you boo, and I will always cheer you on. If anyone needs someone to talk to, for advice or just to listen, I am here. Just DM me. You need to learn to love yourself. The next thing you need to do is to love everyone you meet. Show them kindness with everything you do. It might be the only kindness that they ever see. You might be the one thing that keeps that person from reaching their breaking point. When you choose to live your life like this, something inside of you changes. For me, my world looked much brighter. I even felt better about myself. I have been through some tough situations, but I made it through and I always will. You will too. I'm not saying that your life will automatically be perfect if you do this, but it sure helped me. I know I still have a lot of struggles in the future. Although, I will stay strong through it all and continue to spread love with everything that I do. I hope this helps someone out there. Everyone needs a cheerleader; let me be yours.

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