Ron's plan

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Ron's pov

I watched Hermione transform, I smiled when she dropped on the floor from pain but when I saw she had changed into a beautiful girl, that I could definitely win? I immediately dumped lavender and started making plans on how to get Hermione back. I think Ginny heard my plans because she then ran to Hermione. They stopped talking and Ginny came back, only to move tables, that traitor. I saw how there were boys running to be with her so I guess this will be harder than I thought. For now.

Draco's pov

I saw Hermione drop in pain and I stood up and wanted to run but I saw how Blaise wasn't doing anything so this must suppose to happen. I then saw her stand up and she looked beautiful. No not beautiful. She looked like a goddess. I realised in that moment that I loved her. Not like. Love. Her personality was great before but now her looks were even better than before because she was cute but now she is hot. She came this way and sat diagonally in front of me. I saw all of these boys come chasing after her and well that made me angry. I curled my finger in a fist. Then I saw Blaise sit next Hermione and kiss her and I got a little jealous but realised they were only siblings. I was willing to sit on the other side of her but then the Boys started again, then I saw them all freeze and drop to the floor. I almost laughed but then Theo sat next to her and I wanted to punch him and run but I kept my cool.

Ron's pov

After all the classes, I saw Hermione and asked,
"Could we talk alone for a second?" She looked curious but then said,
"Sure, I will be there in five minutes guys, wait for me. What do you want to talk about?" She asked and her hair turned white.
"You mentioned before how white represents innocence, so I was wondering if you think of something and then if you have done it and your hair turns white and it isn't bad then you are innocent. When you think of Draco malfoy what colour is your hair?" I asked as her hair turned white, then grey.
"What does grey mean?" I asked. She answered with,
"Grey is confusion, I am not sure why you are asking me this." I got closer to her and then grabbed her hand went to the room of requirement and when she saw that there was a bed with chains, she screamed and resisted. Her hair turned white, then yellow, then red. I hit her to make her stop resisting, but she resisted even more. Merlin's beard, stop struggling woman. Bruising her making her face turn blue. Then she hit me in the privates and ran. I fell in pain.

Hermione's pov

After Ron hit me, I hit him back and ran until I got to the common room. Blaise saw me and yelled after me while I ran to my room. I didn't notice Ginny was there until she yelled,
"Did Ron do that to you?!" I nodded, then told her what happened.
"Sorry I will be right back." She said calmly. I cried and walked to the bathroom and looked at the bruise forming. It's started to turn an deep shade of blue and purple.

Ginny's pov

I saw the bruise and yelled, then I saw how scared she was and ran downstairs to Blaise. I told him what Hermione told me. His hair went red and the Draco came in and I explained everything. He curled his fingers to make a fist. The boys ran out of the room really angry and I went to comfort Hermione but she already fell asleep so I went to bed aswell.

Blaise's pov

How dare he hit my sister! He is going to pay for what he did! Draco and I ran to the gryffindor common room. Harry opened he door and asked,
"What happened? It has to be really serious if he is here because if it isn't that serious then Ginny would come and leave Hermione and I know it has to do with Hermione because if it was Ginny then Malfoy wouldn't be here. So tell me, what's wrong." Draco went to talk but I stopped him and started instead. "Long story short is your pal Ron took her to the room of requirement in an attempt to chain her a freaking bed. And he hit her when she tried to leave causing her to have a blue bruise across her face! She had to try and escape by kicking him in the privates. We are here to kill him." I explained getting louder and angrier as I spoke. He looked shocked then he said this,
"Ok well I will let you in,?if you tell me the password to see Hermione." I then looked at Draco and he looked curious. I then told Draco "Take Harry, I can handle this." He didn't look happy at that but he nodded and took Harry to see Hermione. I went into the room and the gryffindor's looked at me with a weird look. Lavender was comforting Ron on the couch so I took his as my chance. I grabbed his collar and with each sentence I landed a punch on his face.
"You weasle! You tried to force her into bed with you! Then you come back with this tramp?! You even hit her and caused a giant bruise on her face! Now everyone here will know that you tried to force yourself on my twin sister, Hermione! You dumped her then come crawling back because she transformed! Her changed looks doesn't mean she turned into lavender and will spread her legs for you! If you ever touch her again, I will kill you!" With that I left as everyone was watching him with disgust as he lies on the floor bruised and bloody. I'm going to get into so much trouble for this.

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