Part 14

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A/N One more chapter after this and then it's all over!

Stefan and Damon waited; the others let them be but kept guard at the entrance. They didn't trust the two not to run. They waited and waited- nobody came. It was silent apart from the two's breaths, loud and panicked. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. They were supposed to run and this would all be over with.

Instead, they were waiting for a girl who wanted to murder them. The clock ticked noisily in the background as the two finally sat down waiting for the girl to come. What was taking so long? Suddenly, footsteps were heard and all fell silent again. They both stood and walked a few steps forward as the girl entered the room.

'Elena!' Damon cheered as she entered the room, her hair ragged and her fangs extended. She looked disastrous. It was clear that she would, she had been locked in a dungeon after all. That didn't stop either of them from being in shock of her terrible appearance. Elena was always so put together, so neat. They almost felt bad for inflicting this upon her. Almost. 'How lovely of you to finally join us.' Damon sneered, taunting her.

'Damon, don't.' But, it was too late. Stefan had warned him after it was time for him to stop. Elena was fuming, raging and within seconds, she was leaping upon Damon, scratching him in the eye. Damon winced at the pain as he nails attacked the skin on his face, missing his eye each time.

He healed just as quickly as she inflicted the pain but it wouldn't stop. Stefan couldn't move, he was paralysed, shocked, useless. 'This is all your fault.' She spat, her face nearing his. 'You ruined my life. You ruined everything! And then you have the audacity to go and lock me up you good for nothing-' Stefan had finally moved, he was behind Elena now.

'Elena stop.' He ordered and that she did, for a second or so. Then, at her new found speed, she turned to Stefan.

'Why, Stefan? Why should I stop?' She pleaded, her eyes wide and her emotions scattered. She didn't know what to feel. The vampirism was altering her mindset. She hadn't adjusted yet. She hadn't adjusted to the heightened senses, the heightened emotions, the speed, the bloodlust that ached in her throat. 'You're leaving, aren't you? Isn't this the perfect time to show you how I feel!' She yelled, pushing him backwards but he didn't budge, despite the power behind it.

'No. Just because we're leaving doesn't mean you'll never see us again, Elena. Now is not the time to say goodbye. Leave with your friends and we'll come back one day to say goodbye.' Lies. Stefan knew it was a lie- Elena did too. They weren't coming back after this. This was her last chance.

'I love you.' She whispered, her voice no louder than a whisper.

'No. You don't.' Damon stood up. 'If you loved us, you wouldn't have hurt me- no matter how angry you are.' Damon spoke the truth. If Elena truly loved them, she wouldn't be able to hurt them. She would be heartbroken, not mad. 'Nor would you have left one of us for the other.' Damon continued. 'If you really loved us, you would have let us be. You would break one of us not both of us.'

Elena's eyes widened as she stared at both of them. 'You don't believe I love you?' She managed, her voice shaking.

'I believe you don't know what love is.' Damon stated, sighing, watching as Elena's eyebrows furrowed as she grimaced.

'I know what it is! I've felt it!' She shouted, taking a step forward.

'I thought that too. Love is more powerful than you could ever know, though. Most humans don't feel it in their lifetime. Love is more powerful than anything you have ever felt.' Damon smiled, taking a glance at his brother, smiling just slightly before drawing his eyes back to Elena who was looking at them curiously. She said nothing, though. She had nothing to say.

'No. I know what I feel, you can't tell me.' She spat, bringing her face to Damon's.

'No, you don't. He sighed and pulled away, grabbing Stefan's arm. 'We're leaving.' He stated and began walking, Stefan having to pace to keep up with him.

'No, you're not.' Elena was desperate now, standing in front of the two men with her arms crossed and her nose stuck in the air as if she was a princess. 'I won't let you.'

'Elena, this isn't you. Leave it alone. You're a nice girl, desperation won't work. We both loved you as a friend, remember that.' Stefan spoke shyly, his tone differing to that of Damon's rude and abrasive one.

'No, I won't. I can't.' She pled but neither of them cared. They wanted to leave. Elena would move on. She had an eternity now. Not many people stayed mad for eternity.

'Yes, you can, Elena.' She nodded defeatedly, Stefan now leading Damon out. They passed Alaric on the way out who asked if they were alright, they nodded and told him to comfort the shaking girl inside. They forgot he was human. They forgot she was a vampire. But, there was no going back now. What was left was for the others to fix. The terror that would ensure was now left for them to deal with.

They had left them weaker and had left themselves only much stronger.

They had left on better terms than expected, though. Yet, those terms weren't good at all. 'Where to now?' Stefan asked Damon as he got into the passenger seat of Damon's convertible. Damon shrugged. 'I was thinking Europe. England, maybe.' Stefan hummed in agreement as Damon switched the engine on and began to drive.

'This is actually happening.' Stefan muttered.

'You said.' Damon smiled, looking over to his brother.

'I know.' Stefan smiled in return and they continued to drive away. They were starting a new life and this was the beginning of it.

word count: 1000

published: 05.04.17

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