Chapter 12 Choose Already!

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~Your Pov~

Sam... Is... Gone!!!!!!

Well... Not like dead gone... More like a prisoner and "never gonna see her again" gone. Ok, I think I made that confusing. Anyways, it was a time to say goodbye to Sam one last time. But who knows, shes coming back next time to be enrolled in the academy. Kid, Soul, BlackStar, Maka, Liz, Patty, & I went to Sam's cell thats only a few doors away from Crona's whos asleep now from a mission he did.

I knock on her door softly. "Hey Sam. Lord Death let us take you outside of the school. You want to see the sunset or something?" I asked softly.

"Ya... Sure... Just I cant leave the school grounds, ok?" Sam replied loudly so we can hear.

"Ok, Kid keys?" I said as I held out my hands and Kid handed me the keys to the cell and opened it, revealing Sam on a bed like Crona's but drawing, "Hey you can stop now. Time to go outside." I said smiling.

"Ok, one last detail." She said and put the drawing on and headed out, when she came out I saw her collar, a black with golden circles that shocks her if she leave the school, almost Lord Death's situation, except he doesnt have a choker.

We headed outside and see the lame sun, sleeping. As usual. Sam jumped and strectched. "Ah! Its nice to get out!"

"Its only been a day and this will be the last day before you stay in prison." Soul commented.

Sam folded her arms and did a duke face. "Wow Soul. Thanks for ruining the moment for me." Then she smiled quickly and went over to me. "So..."

I raised my eyebrow "What?" I asked and she pointed at Soul, BlackStar, and Kid thats fighting, again. I dont know, to me it looks cute that they are fighting.

"So... Whos gonna be with you forever huh?" Sam smirked and I blush red across my face, but I know who Im going to choose. Even though I haveny been with them lately but I know something in them.

I coughed and got everyone's attention. Sam and Maka are smirking at me knowing that Im gonna choose which one and Tsubaki doesnt know whats going on.

"(y/n)! Who do like! You need to tell us!" BlackStar yelled.

"Which is the coolest to be your guy? We've been fighting like forever." Soul put his hands in his pockets.

"So?" Kid raised an eyebrow and all of them are next to each other, waiting for my answer.

"Ooh! So who is it (y/n)?" Sam and Maka cooed and giggled and bit, that made me blush a little and Tsubaki did an "Oh!" face like she knows whats going on now.

"Well... I choose..."


Hey Hey~

Sorry its short... I have a writers block right there. Besides I wonder if I shock you guys at the first part :P

So Im making a BlackStar Ending, Soul Ending, and a Kid Ending. Later though. I forgot my charger at dad's and so Im at my mom's so I cant get it. Dont ask. But ya... See ya!

~Sam-Chan (Sam = Samantha)

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