Chapter Five

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You've heard about Destiel's night. Let's rewind to Sabriel's...


Castiel walked back to the dorm with us, to grab his stuff, and to bring Gabriel's.

"So, why are we switching rooms?" He asked me, while he was still packing his stuff.

"Your brother said that he wanted to get to know me, and I told him that it'd be cool." I shrugged.

"Yeah, but now I have to hang out with Dean." He mumbled.

"What's wrong with Dean?" I asked him. Maybe they weren't soulmates? No, that can't be it, they have each other's names.

"Nothing. That's the problem-" He was cut off by Gabe walking into the room with candy and a bag.

"Alright turd, scram." He nodded towards Cas.

Cas sighed, but picked up his stuff and left.

"I think your brother does like mine." I said thoughtfully to Gabe, when I knew Cas was out of earshot.

"What gave you that intuition?" He asked sarcastically.

"Well, he asked why he had to leave, and then he said that he didn't want to hang out with Dean-"

"Wow, you're right, he's madly in love." Gabe joked.

I threw a lollipop at him, "Shut up, and let me talk." He smiled and nodded, throwing the lollipop back at me. "I asked him what was wrong with Dean, and he said, that nothing was wrong, and that that was the problem."

"We should get them together!" Gabe whooped, excitedly.

"You sound like a girl." I chuckled. He threw Skittles at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Okay, what's step one of the plan?" Gabe questioned.


Sam looked thoughtful as he took the writing pad and wrote, "Step one: We make a plan."

"Oh, so helpful, Sammy." I grinned. I pulled out a new lollipop while asking, "Is that all you've got?"

"So far." He sighed.

Under what he had written before, he quickly jotted down, Ideas.

After thirty minutes, here's what our page looked like;

Shove them both into a closet for hours

Tell them

Not tell them, and let them figure it out as they slowly fall in love

Buy pizza

Murder them

I let out a groan as Sam read over the paper out loud.

"This is useless." I grumbled. "Let's just go to bed, and figure it out tomorrow."

"Alright, fine." He agreed.

✓ Skipping over to Michifer, sice I'm the author and I can do whatever the fuck I want. ✓


I turned to look at Lucifer. We had been arguing for twenty minutes about the best way to cook an egg.

"Hard boiled is discusting​!" I said loudly.

"If you make it sunny-side up, the yolk runs!" He argued.

"That's the best part." I remained calm.

I sighed, while sitting down next to him, on his bed. "I can't believe you're my soulmate."

"Really? Over an egg?" He chuckled. "Talk about a drama queen."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

"Make me." He challenged. He raised his eyebrow, as if to ask me what are you gonna do?

I leaned over him, as if I was going to kiss him. He closed his eyes, and I turned off the light. I felt bad for doing this, but not that bad.

I got up to sit in my bed, and he followed me.

"Not going to bed without a kiss." He sang.

I leaned over, and kissed him, square on the lips. I felt his tongue tracing my bottom lip, and I opened my moth to let his tongue explore.

We kissed for a few minutes, marking our territory, and tasting each other. He swung his leg over my body, and straddled me.

"Micheal?" He said quietly.


"Goodnight." He hopped off of me, and onto his bed.

Damn it, Lucifer.

"Good night, my soulmate." I mumbled to him. "Don't let the demons drag you back into hell."

✓ Hmm. Who am I forgetting? Oh, right Adamandriel, everybody. ✓


I like Adam. He's the best soulmate anybody could ask for. Well, I don't know that, but he's nice, you know?

I like looking at him, and being around him. He's the type of person that can make me laugh when I'm really feeling sad. And right now, he's sitting at the foot of my bed.

He's cute. Like a little puppy.

He likes me back, of course. But I always had been afraid of having a soulmate who didn't want me, or just didn't want to be around me. Like Gabe and Dean.

"Do you like me?" I blurted. I didn't mean to it just flew out.

"Of course I do." He smiled.

"Like, like, like me?" I stuttered.

"Like, like, like, like you."

"Oh. Okay." I smiled at him. "I like you, too."

"I know. But, now it's time to stay up all night and binge-watch all of the Harry Potter movies." He said, excitedly.

And that's exactly what they did.

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