Chapter Two

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I woke up, and my roommate was already gone. Eh, whatever.

I found out yesterday that he's my soulmate. I'm okay with a guy as my soulmate, but that guy is a grade-A dick.

Why couldn't I just have someone​ quieter? Cause this guy never stops talking.

I found out from him that Sammy found his soulmate yesterday, too.

Should I go congratulate him? Yeah. I want to see the poor little guy that has to put up with him for the rest of his life.

Within five minutes I'm at his dorm. At least I think it's his dorm. Oh, well it wouldn't hurt to knock

I knock on the door but no one answers. I try knocking again and a boy opens the door.

The boy that opens the door is not Sammy. He's... Hot as fuck.

"Whoa. Hello there, I'm at the wrong door." I smile at him. "But the name's Dean. Dean Winchester."

"Come in." He smiled to me. "You're at the right room."

Damn, his voice was deeper than you'd expect.

"So you're Sammy's soulmate?" I smirked at him. "Can I trade?"

He chuckled. "Who says I'd want you?"

I laughed. "Touche."

"So, Cas." I looked at him seriously. "If you ever do anything to hurt my brother, I'll break your pretty little face."

"Why would I intentionally hurt anyone, Dean?" He said his eyebrows furrowed together. "Besides, I could say the same for you."

"There's no way in hell! That little asshole is not my soulmate." I said loudly.

"Well, that little asshole is still my brother, so show him some god damn respect." He said. He wasn't loud but wasn't quiet, and he was definitely still calm.

I opened my mouth, and instantly shut it.

I just stared at him. Into his eyes. Man, his eyes though. They were bluer that the sea. They were beautiful. His hair was messed up from sleeping, and it made me want to run my fingers through it.

It was now that I realised how close we were standing. Upon the small uprise we had, we had moved closer than I expected.

"Dean?" I turned my head and stumbled away from Cas, to look at Sam.

"Uh, y-yeah?" I looked at him, rubbing my hand on the back of my neck.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, his hair still wet from the shower.

"Cas." I told him.

"You were doing Cas?" He chuckled and started hanging his towel up.

I looked at Cas. "No- I was, I wanted to meet him."

"Oh-kay." I smiled at Cas.

"So, we should all go to the park, or something." Sam said. "All of the brothers."

"Wait you have brothers, too?" I asked Cas.


I cut him off by saying, "Damn it, Ellen!"

I looked at Sam as he said, "That's what I was thinking. I already texted Gabe, and he's on his way over. Samandriel and Adam are already at the park."

"That's who I was forgetting!" I said enthusiastically​. "Adam- wait, who the fuck is Samandriel​?"

Cas spoke. "He's my younger brother."

"Aight, cool." I nodded my head. "Sammy finish getting ready, I'll take Cas to go get Lucifer."

Cas nodded and I opened the door for him, and we walked out.

"I'm guessing your brother shares a room with mine?" I asked him.

"You're guessing rightly." He smiled.

"Rightly? Is that even a word?" I smirked at him.

"In my all-new Castiel dictionary, it is." I chuckled.

"I like it." I nodded. "Has a nice ring to it. All-new Castiel Dictionary, filled with made up words!" He punched my arm. "I was joking."

We arrived at Lucifer's dorm. I knocked and heard, "Who dares to knock on the door of Satan?"

A boy with brown hair opens the door.

"Hey Cassie, who's this?" He asks, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Cas rolled his eyes. "It's Gabe's soulmate."

I sighed. I looked at Cas. Fucking Sam. Why did Sam get a functioning human being, while I got fucking Gabe.

Lucifer walked up to the door and grabbed my nose whilst saying, "Little turd! I see you met my future boyfriend?"

Micheal rolled his eyes. "Your brother is an asshole."

I nodded and chuckled. "So is yours."

"Cassie?" He looked surprised.

"No." I looked at Cas. "He's great. It's​ Gabe. He's my soulmate, and now I'm questioning whoever the fuck came up with that."

He nodded and was about to say something when we heard Sammy laugh loudly from behind us.

Sam and Gabe had finally found the room, and Sam was laughing and talking loudly. Since when does Sam talk loudly?

"Some-body is in a good mood." Lucifer said. He was behind Micheal, and had his hand intwined in Micheal's hair.

"Would you stop?!" Micheal yelled at him, pulling his hands out.

"I'll stop when you pick your fucking towel up off my bed." He smirked.

"Well maybe if you didn't tell in my ear at six in the fucking morning, I wouldn't put my towel on your bed." Micheal looked angry.

"Both of you shut up. School's out and we're going to the park." Cas yelled.

"Guys." Sam said, every body looked at him. "We still need to pick up Adam, so let's get going."

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