Wolf Moon ✵ 1.2

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⚲ HIGH SCHOOL, Beacon Hills

The bell rings, signaling the end of class, the students start to leave. Scott's locker is on the opposite side of the hallway, a bit down from Allison's. When Scott looks her way, Allison gives him a friendly smile. At that moment, Lydia comes over to Allison, engaging her in conversation. Scott, keeping an eye on them from a distance, uses his newly developed heightened hearing to eavesdrop on them. Stiles and their friend Harley join Scott at his locker, and together, they observe Allison and Lydia.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" Lydia inquires, making Allison press her back to her locker in an awkward manner while clutching the strap of her bag.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." Alisson explains still a bit nervous.

Lydia smiles, "And you are my new best friend."

Just then, Jackson, Lydia's boyfriend, joins them. Lydia welcomes him warmly, and he casually puts his arm around her waist. The display of affection leaves Allison feeling a bit uneasy.

"Heyyy," Jackson greets with a grin.

"Hey, Jackson," Lydia responds with affection in her voice, and they share a kiss.

At that very moment, Calista strolls down the hallway, passing by the trio. Allison glances at Calista, a clear plea for help visible in her eyes. Calista's face scrunches up in disgust when she witnesses the couple sharing a passionate kiss, nearly causing Allison to audibly laugh.

As Jackson and Lydia break apart, Lydia calls out to the passing girl. "Kylie, is it?"

Calista sighs and turns around, now wearing a more pleasant expression. "Yes. Sorry, I didn't catch your name," she fibs.

"I'm Lydia," Lydia introduces herself, "a person definitely worth knowing around here."

"I'll keep that in mind." the older girl nods, cocking her head to the side.

Jackson clears his throat behind Lydia, who introduces him as well, saying, "And this is my Jackson."

"We've met," Calista states, referring to the earlier incident in the parking lot.

"You did?" Lydia looks taken aback.

Jackson clears his throat, "Yeah, I-" he barely manages to get out as Cali looks at him with the same disapproving look as earlier that morning. "I got her car dirty. I didn't mean to."

Lydia laughs, although it doesn't sound entirely sincere, and decides to continue the conversation with both of the new girls, leaving them no way to escape the uncomfortable encounter. The hallway buzzes with the awkwardness of the situation as the group engages in small talk, with Calista and Allison trying their best to navigate through the conversation without sounding rude. Or interested.

Meanwhile, across the hall, Harley watches the scene unfold in front of them, shooting a skeptical look at Scott and Stiles. However, Scott is too engrossed in listening to Cali, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson's conversation to notice her.

"Can someone tell me how the New Girls are here all of five minutes, and they're already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" Harley remarks, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Stiles, taking her words seriously, responds genuinely, "Because they're hot. I mean, Allison is. Not my cousin. I shouldn't say that. Ever." Harley gives him a disapproving look, but Stiles just shrugs before concluding his thought, "Beautiful people herd together."

Scott remains oblivious to Harley and Stiles' exchange, completely absorbed in eavesdropping on the conversation between the four. His eyes focused on Allison only, and he seems unaware of the banter happening right next to him.

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