|Broken Roots| ✵ Prologue

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⚲ BEACON HILLS, Downtown

Calista sat on the stairs of a duplex apartment, arms crossed and her eyes carefully following her father putting away the last bag of groceries while trying to lighten up the mood.

"It could be nothing. Maybe Fury is a bit paranoid about Beacon Hills." Tony shrugged his shoulders and continued with his previous actions. "Werewolves. Sure. But other than that?" he stopped walking by the large marble kitchen island and looked to the side at his daughter, "I give your assignment a month tops."

The young girl stayed silent taking in Tony's predictions and hoping it would take less than so. Yet feelings of uncertainty and uncharacteristic fear filled her chest, threatening to boil over making her feel no better than how she was when given the news in Nick Fury's office.

⚲ Washington, D.C.

"Beacon Hills." Nick Fury slid a folder across his desk. Calista stopped it from falling of the table with the tips of her fingers. "There are incidents worth investigating."

"Like?" the young agent raised an eyebrow as she reluctantly opened the folder, but still keeping her eyes on the Director who slowly stood from his chair. " And why specifically me? I was informed this meeting was about being moved from the STRIKE Team to a new department."

Nick smirked slightly. "You're very familiar with Beacon Hills. Incidents which the police department can not, how do I put it politely," he clasped his hands behind his back and started pacing just a couple of steps to one side before turning, his black leather coat moving swiftly as he changed direction, "figure the fuck out."

"That town has always had its incidents." she pursed her lips to stop herself from chuckling. "I'm afraid you're going to have to be more specific, Director."

Director Fury continued pacing, "A woman you know contacted me asking for you specifically. You may know her as Laura Hale." he stopped to look at her, look for a reaction, but she only furrowed her brows and leaned back in the chair urging him to continue. "She didn't really say what she needed you for, but she demanded you urgently. In Beacon Hills."

Calista crossed her arms, "And you decided to send me there just because Laura asked?" she could not hide the amusement on her face knowing the Director doesn't grant wishes, pleads and demands. "Director, what's really the deal?"

"Our new department has been gathering information regarding Beacon Hills." Fury circled the large mahogany table and sat on the corner. "There are many incidents in and around the county area which I consider the police department and any other organisation beside us incompetent. Which is why I am transferring you to that department where you will get further intel regarding your undercover assignment in Beacon Hills."

"Which department is that?" she asked. Nick only picked up the open folder and sat it in the young girl's lap. He then took a leather badge holder out of his pocket and set it on the pile of paper neatly stacked in the folder. The first stack stapled together in the thick folder was a contract simply titled 'SCD' and Calista's name was at the bottom of the page along with a new, higher level of clearance.

"Welcome to Level 7, Agent Stark."

⚲ BEACON HILLS, Downtown

"What does he even need a Supernatural Creature Division for?" Tony continued his rant to which his daughter stopped paying attention, lost in the memory of a conversation with Director Fury until Tony appeared in front of her, giving her a bottle of water. "Are you listening?"

Broken Roots ✵ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now