Pack Mentality ✵ 3.1

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⚲ HIGH SCHOOL, Beacon Hills

It was nighttime when Scott and Allison strolled hand in hand out of the school building into the dimly lit parking lot. The flickering fluorescent lights cast an eerie glow overhead as they made their way toward a nearby bus, giggling with excitement.

"Where are you taking me?" Allison inquired, her curiosity piqued by Scott's mysterious demeanor.

Scott turned to face her, a wide grin spreading across his face as he squeezed her hand gently. "Somewhere where we can be alone."

Allison's laughter bubbled up, filled with anticipation. "But we are alone..."

Scott leaned against the bus door, still holding Allison close, his gaze locked with hers. "Somewhere where we can be more alone." With a playful nudge, he nudged the folding door open, inviting her inside. "Come on!"

Inside the bus, he led the brunette toward the back, taking a seat by the window and motioning for her to join him. Ever the tease, Allison chose to sit across from him, a mischievous glint in her eye, silently challenging him to make the next move.

Scott met her gaze with a bashful smile, the tension between them unspoken. After a moment's hesitation, he mustered up the courage to bridge the gap between them, leaning in to kiss her tenderly.

Their embrace deepened, passions igniting as Scott's hands began to explore. But as his claws started to extend, a flicker of panic flashed across his face. Gripping the seat with increasing intensity, he struggled to rein in his transformation, leaving marks on the leather upholstery.

Sensing his distress, Allison pulled away, concern etched in her features. "What's wrong?" she whispered, her voice soft with worry.

Scott staggered back, his body contorting as he turned to face the front of the bus. He braced himself on the seats, his breaths ragged and labored. His features shifted before Allison's eyes, morphing into something unrecognizable, his once familiar face now twisted with an otherworldly menace.

"Scott?" Allison's voice quivered as she rose to her feet, inching closer to him. "Scott?"

His growl sent a chill down her spine as she backed away, her heart pounding in her chest. She watched in horror as his transformation continued, each moment bringing him closer to something primal and terrifying.

As Scott's ears elongated and his vision turned red, Allison's fear reached a maximum. She turned to flee, but Scott was upon her in an instant, his grip vice-like as he dragged her backward.

Desperate, Allison clawed at anything within reach, her fingers finding leverage on a metal bar bolted to the floor. With all her strength, she kicked Scott away, creating enough distance to scramble to her feet. But as she made a dash for the exit, her hopes were crushed as she slipped and fell, her body crashing against the door. Panic surged through her as she realized her escape was futile.

The moonlight illuminated her bloodied face as she pounded on the door, her cries drowned out by the sound of her own heartbeat. Scott's relentless advance sent terror coursing through her veins. With a final surge of strength, Allison managed to pry the door open, but before she could flee, Scott's hand clamped over her mouth, cutting off her scream. Helpless, she was dragged back into the darkness, the door slamming shut behind her. Allison's muffled cries echoed through the bus as Scott's primal instincts took hold, tearing apart everything she once knew.


Calista layed in bed, her sheets strewn across the floor in disarray. Her brow furrowed as she tossed and turned, the fabric of her oversized shirt clinging to her damp skin.

Broken Roots ✵ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now