Chapter 19

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Cameron POV:

Chase suddenly began to walk over and bring his phone.

He had gotten his phone from one of the lab coats.

Wonder if he left it there?

What was he planning to do?

Then, started to play our song.

"Alison" by Elvis Costello.

He knew that was my song.

This was the song that we danced to at our wedding.

The song was apart of my memory, I could never forget it.

Was he trying to make me emotional?

I think so.

He set his phone down on the examination table, walking to me.

Setting out his hand for me to take it, I got up from my chair.

I took his hand, and we started dancing.

This felt like old times, it really did.

I rested my head onto his shoulder, as we danced together closely.

"I will miss dance lessons too" He told me.

That made me smile.

Cameron's Flashback:

"Okay folks! I want to see how this is done" The teacher said.

Me and Chase got out there, with full heart and soul.

The teacher was quite impressed.

"That was great guys!"

"Thank you" Chase said as he gave me a grin.

I was pleased.

"Now I didn't catch the name of the two of you"

The teacher became curious.

I guess she was too amazed by our awesomeness.

"I'm Alison, and that is Robert" I told her.

"You married? Divorced?"

"Married" I responded.

We had been still dancing in the check-up room.

Suddenly, we both leaned in.

I couldn't believe it for myself, but we kissed.

But then, I pulled away.

Chase looked rather confused by what this meant.

He said nothing.

Was I leaving? 

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