Chapter 7 // Fight My Opinion

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Silver Castille

Our first game was approximately three weeks after school started. Every day since try outs were spend trying to prepare for this season. Everyone on the team knew that this season was critical if we wanted to take back the title of being number one in the state.

It was rainy Thursday and it was day before our first game. It was right after practice had ended that day. Coach didn't push us that hard today because he knew we were all tired from the extensive training. We ended up just scrimmaging and playing soccer volleyball, it was just what everyone needed before our first game. Especially me.

Clay and I were fighting, a lot. It happened everywhere from in class to on the soccer field. I would want to run sprints and he would want to run laps. He would say Jane Austen's reason for making Mr. Darcy's character was because she felt like it. I would say because it reflected Elizabeth Bennett's character. It was getting quite annoying.

I never brought it up or asked him because the timing never felt right. He either ignored me or fought with me or was with Ciara. I tried not to care but in the end I did. I told myself it was for the team, so we wouldn't lose tomorrow so it doesn't effect our game. We all knew I was stubborn and Clay was starting to prove that he was just a stubborn.

"What are you doing tonight?" Noah asked as he walked me to my car. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone but Clay.

"I don't know. I have a lot of homework." I lied, opening the passenger seat and putting my soccer bag into the back. "Plus we have our first game tomorrow, I have to prepare."

Noah studied my face for a while and I let him with an annoyed face. He should've known by then that I wasn't interested anymore. We had dated before but there was too much history to go back. It just wouldn't work.

"Well, see you tomorrow Castille. We'll crush it like always." Noah smiled, making me smile.

"You know it Knight." I said.

After Noah left, I walked over to where Ava, Dash and Evan were talking. Ava and Evan were being all lovey dovey and Dash looked like he wanted to kill himself because he was the third wheel. I decided to relieve him of his duties and became a fourth wheel.

I jumped onto Evan's back but he wasn't expecting it. For not expecting it, he ended up catching me perfectly. "Mr. Castille, are you going home?"

"Why of course not Ms. Castille. Why would I? You know my routine the day before games, get insanely drunk and smoke a bunch of pot until I pass out." Evan replied making Ava giggle.

"But Mr. Castille if you did that we both know I'd beat up your ass." I said, patting his head.

"If I'm being honest Ms. Castille, I will be going over to Ms. Donner's house and we will have intercourse. Would you like to know the details?" Evan asked, making me gag a little in my mouth.

I instantly jumped off of his back and wiped my hands on my dirty shorts. "That's disgusting, don't ever, ever, ever tell me when you're going to have sex with my best friend." I pointed at Ava. "Vice versa, don't ever tell me you're going to have sex with my brother."

They both shot their hands up in surrender. "Fine."

The image didn't seem to leave my mind because I just kept shivering. I didn't think I would ever be okay with this. I had accepted it, sure, but they were acting as if it was normal. It bothered me. "Do you guys know where Clay is going?"

Dash raised his eyebrows in suspension. "I think he's going over to Ciara's."

I turned around slightly to check on them and they were in each other arms leaning against Clay's car talking and laughing. I let out a deep breath and ran a hand down my face. I thought I would be able to get him alone but that didn't happen, obviously.

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