Chapter 1// Stain My Sweatshirt

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Silver Castille

Every single sign of emotion was drained from my face when I stared up at the gigantic mansion in front of me. The Castille mansion. It was exactly how I had left it years ago, in all of its glory and greatness. Most people would kill to call this place their home.

I wasn't most people. The mansion represented my past, my past was a dreadful thing. It held things I wouldn't want to relive anytime soon, or ever. I gulped. I didn't know why I was back here. I should've just stayed in Australia, with all the hot guys with accents and beautiful beach sunsets. Oh, what a beautiful escape Australia was.

"Silver, get your fat arse over here and get your stuff yourself!" My brother, Evan, shouted from the car.

I rolled my eyes. I came back after two years and I gave him time to mature, at least a little, but nope. He's his usual dick self.

"I'm coming Evan!" I backtracked my steps and picked up my suitcases. "Don't we have butlers to do this kind of thing? I mean we did before."

Evan thought for a second before a huge grin broke out on his face. "You're a genius Silver!"

I rolled my eyes, again. "Am I really a genius or are you really an idiot?"

Evan put a finger on his chin. "Going with the first option because it doesn't make me look bad."

A chuckle managed to leave my mouth. "Every time Evan."

"I missed you so much Silver." Evan told me, engulfing me into a hug.

"I missed you too Evan." I replied, burying my face into his chest.

His embrace was probably the most comforting thing I had experienced during the past twenty minutes I had spent in Hampton, Connecticut. Just the drive there sent waves of nostalgia through me and that didn't exactly excite me.

I ran away for one reason and one reason only, to forget. However, the moment I stepped inside of this wretched town everything came back and it was like all the effort I put into forgetting didn't pay off. That frankly scared the shit out of me.

When we let go, I looked back at the mansion. I wasn't sure if I was quite ready to step inside, if I was going to be able to handle it.

"Are you going to keep staring at it like it's haunted or are we actually going to go inside before the sun sets?" Evan asked me, raising his eyebrows. Someone already came to take my stuff because it had disappeared.

I looked over to Evan, warily. "Is it too late to go back to Australia? I mean it's not even that-"

I was cut off because Evan used his extra strength to swiftly lift me off the ground and onto his shoulder. "You're not going anywhere."

I pouted as he began walking towards the entrance. "I want you to know that if you threw me a surprise coming home party, I'm going to personally stab you."

"That's incredibly violent, Silver."

"You're supposed to know I'm violent, you're my twin brother doofus." I smacked his head.

"Touché." He replied. When we reached the door, Evan tapped on the intercom. "Steven, it's Evan and Silver, can you open the door?"

"Ms. Castille is back?" Steven almost stammered through the intercom. I didn't know I was that scary.

Evan met my eyes with a smirk. "She is." 

"Letting you in now sir." Steven murmured, and the doors opened.

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