Chapter 3// Change My Perspective

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Silver Castille

"Silver, at least try and listen!" My ex-boyfriend, called as I pushed past the large amount of people blocking me and my getaway, the exit doors.

"To what? Your bullshit? I'd rather not." I called back, finally reaching the doors. I exhaled, ready to push the them open when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me to the side.

"If there's one thing I've learned from the one year I dated you, it was that you don't listen to anyone." He chuckled, running his hand quickly through his spiked up brown hair.

Noah Knight was what you call perfection inside of a person. His charming smile, made people swoon and one look into his eyes had you hypnotized. Not to mention, he was an amazing soccer player. He was the total package, I sometimes wondered how I even got to date him. Then again, we were the power couple of freshman and sophomore year.

I narrowed my eyes at him, with my arms crossed over my chest. "Well since you already know that, why the hell are you trying to talk to me? Since I don't listen to anyone."

His hands were still rested on my waist and I honestly didn't want to object. In fact, it felt kind of comfortable. "Because you didn't let me explain. You kind of just ran away."

I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated. "You cheated on me three days, exactly three days before my parents got into an accident and died. Forgive me for not wanting to see your stupid ass face. I needed some space."

He sighed. "Silver, I told you I loved you. You didn't say it back. Imagine how I felt. I must admit what I did was wrong, like terribly wrong, I can't make up an excuse for that but you are at fault too. You pushed me away and I had to distract myself so I went to a party and got myself drunk which led to me cheating on you. I didn't mean to do it intentionally, it just happened."

I looked him in the eyes, like really looked him in the eyes. Without any anger or any other emotion clouding my judgement, I looked into them blank. And his hazel eyes were sincere and pure, making me wonder if what he was saying was actually true. I told myself to not believe anything that came out of his mouth, but now I was beginning to question myself.

I gulped, stuck in our intense stare down. I didn't want to look away and neither did he. It was like we were back in Freshman Year, madly in love. "We have tryouts."

"I know that, but we're both guaranteed on the team."

"Still doesn't give us an excuse to miss them."

"I'm not saying we're going to miss them."

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we could walk there together."

I raised my eyebrows. "I have boobs, the girls' locker room isn't the guys' locker room."

"Touché." He gave me a smirk, making my heart flutter just a little bit. It annoyed me how much control he had over me even after two years.

Regaining my pride, I rolled my eyes at him. I managed to get out of his embrace and out the door and closed my eyes letting the fresh and salty Connecticut air into my lungs. I missed the smell of trees and the ocean in one scent.

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