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vik let out a nervous sigh he had been holding in on his quiet walk to the new surroundings he was soon going to be greeted by.

the boy had just moved with his family to london. he felt sad to leave his friends and old house behind and on top of that he was not used to being in big cities at all.

but most importantly, moving cities means moving schools, which vik really despised. now he had to make new friends and actually try to talk to people, something he wasn't very good at.

everything was much simpler, or so he thought.

he slowly pushed the midnight blue door open only to be mentally hit by loud noises from slamming lockers and talking students. the scent of old books and extreme amounts of perfume reeked in the halls of the obnoxiously large high school and vik could already feel his anxiety kicking in.

he walked fast, searching for the classroom he had been instructed to go to. after about ten minutes he finally found the right place. he took a deep breath and opened the door to classroom "b3".

vik immediately felt a pair of eyes burn into his soul, already judging him. he turned his head and noticed a lanky boy with blond spiky hair and ice cold eyes studying him from top to toe. the boy gave him a frown, like he was confused as to why vik was there, before turning back to his friend.

to be honest, vik felt intimidated but told himself he had probably been overthinking it.

the teacher came up to vik and introduced him to the class and told him where to sit.

"you can sit there, to the right of josh" she said with a smile so plastered to her lips that she almost looked like she was from one of those creepy toothpaste commercials. vik couldn't help but cringe inside, but instead of showing it he nodded politely and made his way to the seat beside the boy with brown hair and forest green eyes who vik now knew as josh.

"hi, i'm josh" he said and put out his hand for vik to shake.

"v-vik" the cinnamon colored boy stammered shyly as he shook josh's hand. josh smiled and nodded before he turned his attention back to the teacher who was starting the lesson.

maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"hey," josh said when class ended, "want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

vik stood uncomfortably behind his chair, unsure of how to respond. the small boy didn't want to bother him.

"vik, i know how it is to be new in a school. trust me, it will be fun!" josh basically read vik like a thin book of emotions, knowing exactly how uncomfortable he felt only by those few moments of silence.

"oh, okay. thank you" vik said quietly, his lips turning upwards in to a soft smile.

"great! see ya!" the boy with the emerald green eyes said before disappearing in the crowded halls.

vik was left slightly confused, thinking about how he might have been wrong about not making friends on the first day of school.


a/n: good so far? yes? no?

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