Stay by urside...

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"Do you like me?"gary asked and jihyo was shocked because this is the first time he ask so clearly and no camera around them~

Ji hyo hesitate for a while and she answer"I ....don't know...",she know it she like him..but she just can't told him...

".....arraso...."gary replied with a sad tone...

"arraso?just arraso?this is the answer that you want?why you don't keep asking me until get the answer that you want?"

"I won't force you to tell know well know it or you don't know it or you just pretending don't know it..."

Jihyo feel gary so understand her mind,he knows what ji hyo think about...she felt sorry to him...

"mianhe oppa..."

"what not do something wrong...I just want to tell you..i can wait..."

She so touched about his replied...

There still have some distance that arrived to the car..ji hyo feel sleepy on her back and she start yawning...

Gary smiled(ji hyo is cute)when he saw her yawning..."sleep...if you want to sleep...I will wake you up later..."

"neh? almost arrived to the car..."

But after a while she asleep on gary back,gary realized it and he ask quietly"slept?mong ji?"jihyo didn't answer and he is arrived to the car..he stand infront the car door..when he want to wake ji hyo ,he look at her face,the way she sleep...he want to keep the moment forever..he hope that time could stop...he walked and stand under a tree that near the car...

He stayed the position...and..."Mong ji..."he make sure that jihyo didn't wake up..."Although you don't know,but I know it..whatever happen I just only like you,I will stay by your side,I wont leave you,I will take care you......forever......"he said it quietly by looking her....

After 15minutes...a message alert from ji hyo's phone wake her up...

"oh?you wake up?"

Ji hyo realized that he fell asleep and gary kept piggyback her for a long time...

"oppa!why you don't wake me up?"she hit his back lightly...

"Ah?!why hit me?"

" not tired?"

"its tired...but happy..."

"What?happy?are you crazy?let me down.. faster.."

"arraso...."he walked to the car and let her down and help her enter the car....

In the car...ji hyo look at her phone and read the message...after she saw it she kept silent...

"wae?who is it?man or woman?"gary asked..

"neh?its man..."jihyo said

"Man??who is it?"he asked it louder

She hesitate for a while..."its chang joo oppa(ji hyo's ex boyfriend)..."

Gary suddenly brake his car after he heard the name..

"oppa!Wae?!suddenly brake!?"

"minahe...keunchana...did you hurt?..."

"anniyo...I'm alright...."he start to drive again

"wae?!why he find you?he find you for what"he asked her with a cool tone....

"Why you want to know?"she smiled when she saw gary expression and gary is jealous...

"you don't tell me also can.."he pretending he not jealous...

"jinja?!"ji hyo asked it



But after a while when he stop the car while waiting for the traffic he kept thinking(wae?why he find jihyo?).. "I said don't tell me,you really don't tell me!?" he can't hold it ....

Jihyo laughed of gary's action..."oppa,you said you don't want to know just now?"

"aish...jinja...tell me...."he said it with a stress expression..

"arraso...chang joo oppa said he want to treat me dinner..."

"What?!dinner!?why he want to treat you dinner?!When?!where?!only two of you?!"he said it with worried and jealous face..he ask it continuously without stopping..

" rap?which question you want me to answer?Ji hyo laughed and replied after his questions...

"all of it..tell me...when you go?"

"next Monday~"

"what?!Monday?!andwae!you can't go!we have filming until night~"he explode his jealous~

"keureu?thats not matter,oppa said we have dinner after filming...."jihyo smiled and look at gary...

"then..where is the place?!"

"XXX restaurant(west restaurant).."

"bo?!two of you have dinner at west restaurant?candle dinner?!"


"ceh~jinja~...."he can't calm down....he cant imagine the situation that they two havind dinner together~

While gary is jealousing~ji hyo feel happy that gary is jealous~

They reached at ji hyo's house...."wait me"gary get out from the car and open the door for ji hyo...he carry her without hesitate....

"oppa!What are you doing!let me down!"she struggled and kicking her leg..

He stopped walking and his face get closed to ji hyo's face and......

Sorry about the late update and sorry for any spelling mistake and thanks for supports....

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