I'm sure that I like you<3

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While walking....gary suddenly hold her hand...its make ji hyo crazy....

Before gary pull her hand to let her stand to another side"why you hold my hand?"ji hyo asked.

"anni~I want pull you to my left side~who want to hold your hand...."


"jin ja~what are you thinking about?"


The sky was dark and it suddenly few drops of rain was falling...

"its raining?"ji hyo asked

"I think so....let's go back..."while ji hyo is nodding her head ,he take the jacket that ji hyo is holding and he take off his cap and put on ji hyo head.. "wear it~"

"how about you?"

"keun cha na~(never mind),you more important,you can't sick,right?"

The sky start raining heavily...."oh no~ji hyo ah,let's run to the car..."

"arraso~"gary show his hand to ji hyo"let's go"

Ji hyo was surprised at gary action..and staying a mong expression"huh?"

He didn't wait for ji hyo answer and he hold her hand and run to the car...

(yes!the girl that I want,I need...I'm holding her hand right now..without camera..without filming)gary's thoughts...

(I saw this scene many times in the movie..a man holding a girl hand and running in the rain..i can't believe I'm doing this right now...am I falling in love to gary opp?)ji hyo's thoughts

He quickly open the car door to ji hyo and they rest in the car..they laughing in the car..

"why are you laughing?"they said it together...

"anni~just~funny~"gary said it...

He gets a few tissue and give it to ji hyo and he start the car engine and driving back to ji hyo's house

"oppa,you look sexy when your hair wet.."she praising him and he immediately open the window and put his head out and let the rain beat on his head..

"oppa!what are you doing?!come in!its dangerous!"

He put his head back and shake his head"how?am I more sexier?"he is smiling to ji hyo

"oppa!jin ja!it dangerous you know?!"

"arraso,why angry?mianhe..."

"because I'm worry about you!"ji hyo answer...(ah!what am I talking about!)ji hyo's thoughts

(worry?ji hyo said she worry me just now?)gary's thoughts

Ji hyo she look down with a mong face and gary saw it...he put his left hand on her head.. "you are worried me?phff~cute~"

She didn't push off his hand and didn't reply anything....

They arrived ji hyo's house..he stopped his car near her house

"alright,we're arrived..."

"oppa,do you want to come in?to dry you head ?and coffee?"

"arraso,anyway its raining heavily also~I'll leave until the rain stopped..

(if the rain don't stopped?)ji hyo's thoughts

They ran into her house...and ji hyo get a towel to gary..."oppa,here"


"oppa,what do you want to drink?coffee?"she shout at the kitchen....

Gary who sit on the sofa answer"coffee?ok..."

She is making two cup of coffee in the kitchen while gary drying her hair with towel..

A breaking sound from the kitchen...ji hyo drops the cup on the floor...he immediately turn heis head back to the way ,kitchen

"wae!?ji hyo ah!?"he ran to the kitchen....

"oppa,I drop the cup on the floor..."

"don't ,wait here....dont move~~~"

He get the broom and slipper,he go to the kitchen swept the pieces glass on the floor...he put the slipper in the floor"ji hyo ah~wear it and wait at living room,I will get over this...don't worry"

She feeling touched and warm that gary who always help her to slove her problem..she wear the slipper and to living room...after gary swept the floor he wrapped it with a newspaper and throw it to dustbin...and check the floor again and again,he scare ji hyo might step on the pieces glass and get hurt...after that,he start make the coffee again...and he take the coffee to living room..

"mianhe oppa,I'm the one supposed to make you coffee..mianhe..making you trouble..."

"keunchana(nevermind),its ok,its not wrong to call you mong ji~"he laughing

"jin ja~mianhe~"

"stop mianhe~if you feel want to repay me,treat me dinner next time..ok?"


They looking around the house without talking...

After a while..."mong ji,I finished the coffee and the rain stop...(I hope the rain don't stop forever~)gary's thoughts.

"ah?keu reu?"

"I'll go now~"

"arrso,let me sent you to the door..."

They walk together to the door.. "alright,oppa go now,becareful and remember keep wearing the slipper...don't take off~"

"arraso~oppa,when you arrived home send me a message~"

"arraso,I will,remember wear the slippers..."

"arraso~I will..."



Ji hyo watching gary back until he went off...

(maybe before this I'm still not sure what my feeling..but now I think I like gary oppa~no!its not I think I like gary oppa ,its I like gary oppa,i'm sure i want him,i'm sure i need him,i'm sure i don't want he leave me,i'm sure i want him stay with me forever,by my side)ji hyo's thoughts

And this day she sure that she is like gary oppa in this moment....

Sorry for any spelling mistake~thanks to those who support me~I will update few days later~

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